There is no Error message there is no warning its just freezes the whole system i cannot alt tab i have to force boot my comp again in order to play, i know this cannot be good for my comp so how can i fix it.
I believe guildwars causes my comp to overheat i think this is the problem let me know how to fix it. system specs listed below. i know i may need to buy somthing in order to fix the problem, cause i know its not video card drivers i have tried 3 different versions of vid card drivers off nividas website and one of the set wouldnt let me play counter strike, another set made square tile graphics over entire area would not fix its self and the other one was also bad.
Case + fans - XION II MID-TOWER 350W CASE W/ MOD SIDE-PANEL WINDOW 2 120 mm fans 1 80 mm fan.
Cpu - AMD ATHLON 64 3200+ (2.0GHz)
ram - 1gig corsair
Hard drive 80 gigs western digetal
Video card - EVGA NVIDIA GEFORCE 6600 LE 256MB
System Crash
S e X e N ™
I Not A Real Doctor
Make sure those big fans are working, same thing happened to me whenever I would use more than 50% of my comp
Wasted all that time and money too
Wasted all that time and money too
Sounds like overheating to me. Check to make sure that all the fans are working, including video card, processor, etc. In addition, clean out all fans and heatsinks of dust (a can of compressed air does the job nicely)-- you'd be surprised at how quickly it can accumulate, especially with the airflow from your fans. Something else that may help is to physically make sure that the airflow paths of your fans are working right (ex. Side case fan over processor blowing in/into the processor and the processor/heatsink fan blowing out/up... the air isn't going anywhere then.)
If that still isn't doing the trick you may want to work on specific parts that are overheating. There are several different programs available on the Internet that can tell you what the temperature is of certain hardware components in your computer, using one of those you could determine what you need to focus on. In addition, some of those may also give you information on the power going to these components. If your power supply is wimping out stuff can get funky like you describe, but I think that general overheating is probably what's going on in this case.
If that still isn't doing the trick you may want to work on specific parts that are overheating. There are several different programs available on the Internet that can tell you what the temperature is of certain hardware components in your computer, using one of those you could determine what you need to focus on. In addition, some of those may also give you information on the power going to these components. If your power supply is wimping out stuff can get funky like you describe, but I think that general overheating is probably what's going on in this case.
Whats your PSU Wattage?
S e X e N ™
its on case mod desciption 350 watt, i have a temperature montier right now i have guildwars up an its at 53 degrees celcius for cpu temp and 43 c for system temp. i de dust my comp once a month or two times. all fans are blowing proper i even turned the back fan 120 mm facing outward so my 120 mm fan blows air thru the case creating more airflow.
Check that the fan on your 6600 hasn't become dislodged and is being prevented from spinning by rubbing against the housing.
S e X e N ™
ok guys thank you very much for your help, eventhoe im lazy and didnt want to open my case i dusted the cpu an fans an mobo then i flip my back 120 mm fan inverse and then lowered the wattage to my cpu to match my video card and now my system is stable at 50 degrees celcius while i play gw and doesnt crash.... so far ill post back if problem continues.
S e X e N ™
i also checked my ps wattage and its 450 not 350 so im guessing that was the problem was the wattage issue with my cpu.
Originally Posted by S e X e N ™
ok guys thank you very much for your help, eventhoe im lazy and didnt want to open my case i dusted the cpu an fans an mobo then i flip my back 120 mm fan inverse and then lowered the wattage to my cpu to match my video card and now my system is stable at 50 degrees celcius while i play gw and doesnt crash.... so far ill post back if problem continues.
S e X e N ™
yea ... my cpu temp at startup is around 36C and with Guildwars 50-55C so its not heat problem anymore my bio settings are default. besides i have my floppy first on the boot process "which im pretty sure isnt causing me to crash" i didnt lower the voltage enough to make a difference my cpu temp droped 10 degrees in doing so... i dunno