The Female Assassin's Image

Yukito Kunisaki

Yukito Kunisaki

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2005

Chicago, IL


Funniest shit I've read, EVAR...

Are we boob lovers unlucky? [My wife is quite endowed I might add...]

Just cause some of us men like women who, well, look like women [flat women embrace can be like hugging a guy so bah*] doesn't mean it's wrong.

Thankfully, I stopped caring much about what people think are right and wrong cause I'm a self-accepted egotistical bastard who says what I think is right...

There are only two opinions in this world, "The wrong ones, and mine..."

So who cares?!!

We've all got problems... Why not just don't take things personally and get on with life?

For the record, I LOVE Nika's look in the cg movie. And yes, if it was possible, I'd have married her if she didn't kill me first... lol

Yay for sick fantasies to keep me at bay!



Hell's Protector

Join Date: Oct 2005


I think the discussion is fine, simply because it is IS a superficial matter.

Guild Wars' graphics are one of its finest selling points (For the same reason i dislike WoW because of its graphics). The economy of GW is also driven by this "perfection" mindset. I have a few weapons that would be worth 300-400k if they were a different weapon skin, instead of being common/ugly (like my perfect battlepick).

People's opinions of the physicality of a Sin will help determine its popularity.



The reason i take it very personally is because i AM a 5'2", Chinese/Filipina, with a boyish build (just to be politically correct). People tell me all the time that i SHOULD put on weight. Well guess what, it doesn't happen, my metabolism just wont let me.

When i hear people bashing various thing about the female sin, like her physical build, or when people bash the upcoming expansion for being "too asian", it really irks me. The Sin is the only character i can relate to in the physical sense (My mesmer, ranger and warrior certainly dont look like) and I'm already all too familiar with people's stereotypes and predjudices are about it.

Feel free to have your opinions, and I will have mine.

Rebel Dragon

Rebel Dragon

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Mar 2006

Vile Of Faith [nova]


well i dont hate the way how the female assasin looks like..
the only thing is that her size of her brest are like 12 year old girls..
and compared with the ritualist porn star sized boobs are those of the assasin very small...

and in my opinion a women looksbetter with some brest etc.. and not flat...
not that how bigger how better.. its jsut that it needs to fit.

and also she is a sportive very trained ninja like... dont aspect she has fat..

Yukito Kunisaki

Yukito Kunisaki

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2005

Chicago, IL


Originally Posted by lyra_song
The reason i take it very personally is because i AM a 5'2", Chinese/Filipina, with a boyish build (just to be politically correct). People tell me all the time that i SHOULD put on weight. Well guess what, it doesn't happen, my metabolism just wont let me.
W00t W00t!

Me and the wifey are Filipino too! [actually, I'm about 1/4th chinese and don't look Filipino at all... ]

But as far as averages goes, I think the filipina women have the larger busts on average due to us being practically half Spanish...

Nobody knows I'm filipino till they hear my name, asian face with spanish name? oh yeah...

my salute!




Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005


This is all very stupid, these characters arent real, they don't have feelings, and the only thing that matters is that most people like the way the characters look. Why would you ask that the characters appearance be caitored to people with low self-esteem who want the characters to all look as ugly as they think they look? While your at it, why don't you start begging to have the game caitor to racists as well? Then skin color can effect what horrible exagerated stereotype your character acts like



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2005

pit of brimstone

Squad Six Six Six [ssss]


lol just to add my personal opinion

female Assassin looks fine for the reasons scattered around, and I prefer not to make one for myself because I really dislike muscular females. call it what you will, but its utterly discusting to me personally.

And I dont like the right combo of useful armor / armor looks as well.
So oh well, I'll be making a male Assassin.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Apr 2005

Washington THE State(Not DC)


I have to say the fem assassin looks perfectly fine, as do all the other female chars. The assassin is lean & trim for the obvious reason of needed flexability and through rigorous training. I guess it all comes down to personal choice though. I will be playing a female assassin in game as yet once again I can't stand the look of any of the male chars.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005


I think the biggest problem is that appearance is so strongly tied to your class. The thing that would solve everyones problems would be to make another scale like the height that allows you to control how muscular/fat your character is.



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by Rikimaru
This is all very stupid, these characters arent real, they don't have feelings, and the only thing that matters is that most people like the way the characters look. Why would you ask that the characters appearance be caitored to people with low self-esteem who want the characters to all look as ugly as they think they look? While your at it, why don't you start begging to have the game caitor to racists as well? Then skin color can effect what horrible exagerated stereotype your character acts like
Rikimaru - you missed the whole point!

People who are insulting the female Assassin for having small boobs and being "too muscular" for a woman, are insulting real women as well, whether they mean to or not. The problem is not with the toon, but our social perceptions of women.

I'm actually glad this thread is being noticed, I hope it helps people understand how comments they think are benign, can actually be hurtful to others.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005


Then I think the thread has officially been hijacked...



Hall Hero

Join Date: Aug 2005


I know several women in real life who have very lean features similar to the Female Assassin. They are not anorextic. They just work out every day.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005



Yeah, athletes with intensive training =/= typical "sexy" body.

That's just the way things work.

Now, I understand why female casters can be a little... curvy, but as for the female warriors and rangers - they don't look like they could actually do their jobs.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006

California, USA

The Elite Knights of Tarnia [PwnD]

Have you ever seen real fitness professional women or those who try to be Mrs. Muscleman have large breasts? Not all of them do. The same goes for those who run in track or marathons, as Lyra mentioned...they're not anorexic, they're just built for endurance. As for Asian women, you don't see many of them with natural cups no bigger than a C.

And just because a woman is not strong and lean doesn't mean she's fit...the female assassin is living proof of this...not too strong but really lithe and dexterous. If you have a fetish for women with a good bust, then go play a female Ele or those female Ritualists next month.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005

Grind is subjective

learn this please

Guys. It's a fantasy game. These characters are products of pure fantasy and nothing more.

If you're reading more into it than that, then it's your own problem and no one else's. Not the media's, not the 'mainstream's, just your own.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jun 2005

west yorkshire, Uk

Sisters of Serenity


to anyone that worries the femail assassin needs a good meal..just make her the max height you can, and she will fill out a little bit...

annyone notice how the monk and ranger galls are waif-like when they are taken to the extreem smallest sizes?
i mean, they look more like Kender (especially the rangers lol) than humans

as to the astetics of feminine beauty..just look farther back than the start of the twentieth century and you will find a few diferences....befor the tanned-thin-blonde beachbunnies became the in thing, there was more curvey.
go further back to the renesance and it was all wobbely celulite thighs and bums ^^, and even further back...ever looked at a Mother Statue? she is all round belly, huge hips and large breasts.

what is driving the thin to desidedly ill looking is the pop stars, fasheon industry and peer pressure of this world.
take Posh Spice (victoria beckham) when she was a spice, she was normal looking, not too thin, nor to large, in fact, reasonabll healthy she looks like if she stood sideways on a sewer grate, she would fall down it.
the more these stars slim, the more the mags snap them, and the more they try to look thinner.
i feel sorry for them, not because they are thin, nor because they are rich, but because they let society dictate to them how they should look.

the hordes of large ladies that bombard the chat shows are there for that sole purpoise...since you cant always get some angry woman to get all stroppy about her boyfriend/girlfriend/babys daddy ect at the drop of the hat, you need someone to fill in. angry large lady in skinny woman style clotheing, snapping her fingers and insisting she is the one true definithion of SEXY! is prime-time afternoon TV for a lot of people.

and to some, she is exactly that....just as to others, the waif look is the most gorgeous thing they have ever seen.

i play femails in the game because i look more like the bottichelli girls..i have an anoyingly ample bosom (all you guys, it is so not fun to have large breasts would you like to not be able to lie on your front at all to sleep, simply because a part of YOUR anatomy refuses to let you?)...i am 5 foot 2 ins tall and have a pear shaped behind.
i play femails because i am one, and because they ALWAYS look good in what they wear ^^
if i wore some of the things they wear, i would be arrested lol....but i get the fun from them wearing the clothes that i cannot

i just sometimes wish that fasheon wasnt the Beast it is....i cannot get a nice top, simply because i have to get a size 16 here, and for nice tops, you have to be size 12 maximum, unless you want to look like enveryone else that is above a 12 (locally, that means looking like a hooker had a fight with Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and they mixed up their clothes in the process lol)
(i guess for USA size 8 is petit? i dont know.....over here, size 8 is tiny, but classed as simply small...i think an 8 here is maybe a 2-4 USA im not sure....the average femail is a size 14-16, but now she has slightly increadsed bust size, but they havent bothered to alter the bust allowances sheesh)



Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by Rayea
i mean, they look more like Kender (especially the rangers lol) than humans
Ahh, the Kender, haven't heard about them for awhile...

I always thought tiny Rangers looked like Elves from Elfquest, or even the "new" Halflings in D & D version 3. (minus pointy ears, of course)

I almost died laughing when during a Shiverpeak quest, one of the Rangers was smaller than the Dwarf!



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jun 2005


Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Originally Posted by Rayea
what is driving the thin to desidedly ill looking is the pop stars, fasheon industry and peer pressure of this world.
take Posh Spice (victoria beckham) when she was a spice, she was normal looking, not too thin, nor to large, in fact, reasonabll healthy she looks like if she stood sideways on a sewer grate, she would fall down it.
the more these stars slim, the more the mags snap them, and the more they try to look thinner.
/begin cruel heartless bastard

I usually put anyone griping about anorexia on /ignore.

When as many people start dying from Anorexia as die from Obseity then I will listen. About a million times more people die from being too FAT than too SKINNY, especially in America.

So naturally society has developed a pressure to discourage being FAT.... it's called SHAME. The vast vast majority of people decrying Anorexia are overweight themselves and trying to justify their own condition. It's called ENABLING.

"It's not my fault. It's the damn media and supermodels and movie stars and pr0n models. They look so GOOD it makes me feel SAD, so I EAT MORE!!!!!!!! Pass the Oreos."

The problem in society is subbornness and low self-esteem on the part of FAT people. It is an internal problem, not an external problem. Both anorexics and obese people take the stereotypes too seriously and think if they can't look like "famous person" they are worthless, which is ridiculous.

Grow a brain and some emotional backbone, and understand that the 'ideal' is not just a marketing invention, but it's not a "do-or-die" situation either.

It's a healthier way of life and you will live longer, enjoy your kids and grandkids longer, have less joint and back problems.... and when aliens invade you won't be the first to be EATEN.

/end cruel heartless bastard


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005



Originally Posted by Carinae Dragonblood
/begin cruel heartless bastard

I usually put anyone griping about anorexia on /ignore.

When as many people start dying from Anorexia as die from Obseity then I will listen. About a million times more people die from being too FAT than too SKINNY, especially in America.

So naturally society has developed a pressure to discourage being FAT.... it's called SHAME. The vast vast majority of people decrying Anorexia are overweight themselves and trying to justify their own condition. It's called ENABLING.

"It's not my fault. It's the damn media and supermodels and movie stars and pr0n models. They look so GOOD it makes me feel SAD, so I EAT MORE!!!!!!!! Pass the Oreos."

The problem in society is subbornness and low self-esteem on the part of FAT people. It is an internal problem, not an external problem. Both anorexics and obese people take the stereotypes too seriously and think if they can't look like "famous person" they are worthless, which is ridiculous.

Grow a brain and some emotional backbone, and understand that the 'ideal' is not just a marketing invention, but it's not a "do-or-die" situation either.

It's a healthier way of life and you will live longer, enjoy your kids and grandkids longer, have less joint and back problems.... and when aliens invade you won't be the first to be EATEN.

/end cruel heartless bastard
Those tags saved you from condemnation.

By and large true, but people hate truth. Unpleasant truth, at least. You're usually better off treading lightly.



Academy Page

Join Date: Nov 2005

Moscow, Russia


Gosh, we're talking about low-poly 3d-models here, not someone's reflection in the mirror. I mean, if you have a problem with a piece of art like the assasin model other than aesthetics, well, you really have a problem, and it's all yours, not the artist's.

The female assasin looks worse than it could for 2 reasons, I think. Her head is too large in proportion to the body, which is simply not pretty, and has nothing to do with breast size or body type - there are objective proportions that are almost universally considered as beautiful by humans, and this one is not it. That and she simply doesn't have enough polygons to adequately portray the slimness (slim/thin human models generally look worse than fatter ones with the same polycount), which is why her legs look like sticks.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2005


Originally Posted by Rikimaru
This is all very stupid, these characters arent real, they don't have feelings, and the only thing that matters is that most people like the way the characters look. Why would you ask that the characters appearance be caitored to people with low self-esteem who want the characters to all look as ugly as they think they look? While your at it, why don't you start begging to have the game caitor to racists as well? Then skin color can effect what horrible exagerated stereotype your character acts like
i agree with u. it's just a fantasy game and while i play it, i expect to see 'beautiful' things. and usually something beautiful is what appeals to masses. now we all know that in the masses opinion, lean bodies with bigger breasts are more appealing.

i don't think any woman should feel offended by this fact beacause it's natural, explainable also by genetics. i should mention that i'm a woman and i don't feel offended in any way by the way the female ele or ritualist looks. i find the assasin to be too much of a scrawny character. i understand it's meant to be an athletic person but it's too much in contrast with the others and a little more 'flesh' here and there would look much better.

what bothers me the most about the assasin is not so much the body but the rigidity in movement. after she stops running, she comes to that /attention pose that makes it just weird.

i don't think that i'll make a female assasin because that scrawny man-like body combined with the rigid movement simply insults my aesthetic sense. as i said, i like to see beautiful things in games. if i wanna see something 'common' or even ugly, i can just go out and look at ppl on the street.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

La La Land



Carinae, you are totally disgusting.

People like you are the reason overweight people get their stomachs stapled and their intestines shredded in order to get thinner - it's guys like you that perpetuate the stereotypes you defend so vigorously.

'FAT' people, typically, cannot help being fat any more than thin people can help being thin. It is in their genetics, asshole! I know several overweight people, and without fail they eat far less than the thin people, who are too busy shoveling snack food down at the speed of light to stop and think: "Hey! Boy am I grateful my metabolism can burn off food like a napalm rocket, or I'd weigh nine hundred pounds by now!"

Do your research before you come into this thread again and spew forth untrue garbage about how overweight people did it to themselves. Because they did it to themselves as much as they did their sex or their skin color to themselves, and ignorant, bigoted, coldhearted jackasses like you are the reason so many of them die sad and alone.

So take your bullshit, throw it off the nearest bridge, and if you bring it back in here, be prepared to follow it down.

And as for Assassins...if you have to have your character look like an exotic callgirl, play an Elementalist. Assassins are realistic - people who undergo brutal physical training every day of their lives are thin, wirey, and as hard as steel. Whereas a woman showing up looking like a Ritualist is either...artificial...or as flabby as the neighborhood couch potatoes.

I swear, American men and their obsession with breasts. Why are you turning your sex fantasies onto a video game anyways?


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

... and lets not forget the dance and the run animation while dual wielding... ack

Honestly though, she's got a nice body, but does need some added polys in places like the legs and hips. While playing the FPE, my wife asked if that was a teen age boy with boobs. I almost launched soda outta my nose!
No butt, no hips... she needs some work done. They don't need to be as big as the other females as variety is good, but make her a little less "pre-teen boy" and we'll have a winner IMO.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

Dvd Forums [DVDF]


Originally Posted by LaserLight
I swear, American men and their obsession with breasts. Why are you turning your sex fantasies onto a video game anyways?
I assure you, it isn't just American males that have such an obsession. Ever watch anime?



Forge Runner

Join Date: Jul 2005

Grind is subjective

learn this please

Originally Posted by LaserLight
I swear, American men and their obsession with breasts. Why are you turning your sex fantasies onto a video game anyways?
Because we all know appreciation of the female form is strictly limited to American males right?

Good god, this thread is pretty retarded.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

Originally Posted by Esprit
I assure you, it isn't just American males that have such an obsession. Ever watch anime?
Nor is it just males /cough "my best friend" /cough

Swampgirl Inez

Swampgirl Inez

"I love reading trash!"

Join Date: May 2005

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This is turning into a circular flame war. Closed.