For those who entered the preorder key...
Rex the Unloving
did you guys get the pre-order weapons? it seems whenever i make a new character i get these two weapons, notice this char is a presearing char...
Rex the Unloving
well... i mean you have to merge to get this... anyways anyone else get this???

That's how it's supposed to work. Once enterred on your acount, all new characters will have them. Also, those characters and all others on you account can get the items by typing /preorder into the chat window. It's normal, and that's how it's supposed to work.
and now the mod's come along and...
and now the mod's come along and...
Rex the Unloving
i didnt know, this is my first time preordering.
My Sweet Revenga
you can also type /preorder and the items will show up in your inventory if you ever need them.
Put them in the trash to save space.
Are the weapons for both PVP and PVE?