If you use Teamspeak or Ventrillo is your IP adress safe ?
Is this an open invite to hackers ?
TS and Vent - Internet Security Question
Wrath of m0o
Lord Iowerth
I'd have to look at the programs a little more in-depth, but I don't believe either maps a port on your local machine ... i'll do some tests for you.
I know for sure the admin of the channel can log your IP, but if you're behind a router/firewall (especially one with NAT) then your local machine IP is private and all they can see is your gateway/router.
I'll look into the settings some more when it's not nearly 5am *yawn*
I know for sure the admin of the channel can log your IP, but if you're behind a router/firewall (especially one with NAT) then your local machine IP is private and all they can see is your gateway/router.
I'll look into the settings some more when it's not nearly 5am *yawn*
Tsunami Rain
I believe there was a thread about this awhile ago. However, I can't seem to find the post about it.