This thread is seriously meant as a question and opinion asking on Factions and the system at work. I'm probably missing something in my understanding of it, and before I start, I have to say - I've been told I come across negatively towards the game. If I do, it is not my intention - I actually love the game and think Factions will be pretty cool for those that enjoy it's playstyle. So, no flame-broiling please...
From what we've seen so far in Factions, the biggest Alliances will gain control of cities. PvE or PvP styles... doesn't matter. These cities will have the elite missions where the "best drops" will be found. To gain these towns, the Alliances have to work hard at faction point farming either through repeatable questing or through the PvP mini games. Now, the larger guilds/alliances will have more people constantly doing this enabling them constant access to this. Thus, they will constantly be able to have some people farming the "best drops" in the game and selling them at prices they want to set.
Smaller alliances with fewer people wont have a chance to gain these items as drops, as there are just not enough people farming as much faction as the larger ones have. Therefore, the smaller guilds will have to rely on others to get those items, forcing them to farm for gold to purchase the items.
Since we've also been told, that you don't have to own Factions to wield these items why would the smaller guilds/alliances bother purchasing Factions other than to play the new classes?
Or, are the smaller guilds and alliances given access to these elite missions when larger same faction based (Luxon or Kurzick) alliances own the city?
I'm seriously confused on this. Anyone got the answers? Searching is not working again so I couldn't look anything up on the topic.
Edit: Anyone?
Question about Faction control