Questiosn about weapon swap, adrenaline


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006

1> I understand many warrior skills need adrenaline. Isnt there a progress bar that shows how much adrenaline you have? Is there an option somewhere to turn on the adrenaline bar?

2> I currently have a sword, hammer and an axe. I am just playing around with different weapons and skills in pre-sear to see what works the best. I noticed that the key F1 is bound to whatever weapon I am holding currently. Why doesnt it give me additional keys for my other weapons? It would be nice to swap out a hammer to say knockdown a enemy in the middle of a fight and then go back to the sword.



Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006




1). Your Skills down in your Skill Bar Glow as they charge. Kind of like filling up a glass of water. The adrenaline level slowly rises until the skill is fully charged.

2.) You can enable up to 4 different weapon sets also. Push "I" for inventory & you can click it on. You could have a Hammer, Sword, Axe, etc. in a different weapon set, but its most beneficial to have your attribute points applied to one or the other (i.e. ether axe, sword, or hammer), so if you have most of your attributes applied to swordsmanship then you switch to a hammer weapon set, the hammer won’t be very affective.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006

Originally Posted by Boagrius
1). Your Skills down in your Skill Bar Glow as they charge. Kind of like filling up a glass of water. The adrenaline level slowly rises until the skill is fully charged.
Yeah I understand how adrenaline works. My problem is that I want to know if there is a 'adrenaline bar' like our health bar and energy bar. I hate staring at the skills and trying to guess from their color shades if I can activate that skill or not. Maybe I am a bit color blind... but it would be easier looking at a adrenaline bar that those color shades.

2.) You can enable up to 5 different weapon sets also. Push "I" for inventory & you can click it on. You could have a Hammer, Sword, Axe, etc. in a different weapon set, but its most beneficial to have your attribute points applied to one or the other (i.e. ether axe, sword, or hammer), so if you have most of your attributes applied to swordsmanship then you switch to a hammer weapon set, the hammer won’t be very affective.
Yeah I know I can click on a weapon in my inventory to equip it. But I would really like if there is a button like F2, F3 for each of my other weapons. The game shows me a button F1 for the weapon I have already equipped. Ummmm thanks for that Arenanet, but I would rather have a button for a weapon I have NOT equipped.



Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2006




I apologize. i should have been a little more clear. I didnt mean for you to just open the inventory & swap between weapons. When you open your inventory there's a tab that says "weapon Sets". You click that & then you can enable up to 4 weapon sets that you can swap between either by clicking on them in the lower right hand corner of your screen, or by using the F1-F4 keys.


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006

Ahh that's exactly what I was looking for to swap my weapon sets. Thanks a lot!!!

I am guessing there is no adrenaline bar in the game. *Sighhh* I have to say as much fun as this game is, the interface leaves a lot to be desired. No easy way to find someone's profession, no auction house, no adrenaline bar,.... etc, etc.


Furnace Stoker

Join Date: May 2005

The Seraphim Knights [TSK]


No, there is no adren bar, the different skills use different amounts of adren as such a bar would be an inaccurate measure. Furthermore, each adren skill keeps it's own running tally of how close it is to full and then looses a single adren strike when you use another adren skill.

Lord Iowerth

Lord Iowerth

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Sep 2005

Atlanta, GA (#guildwarsguru FTW!)

Biscuit Of Dewm [MEEP]


Right, the reason there is no bar is because it would be wildly inaccurate.

Each skill charges adrenaline separately, shown (obviously) by the cascading color going from bottom to top.

Having one big bar would not tell you how much adrenaline you have for a specific skill, it would only tell you your current total of adrenaline ... which would do you absolutely no good

The recharge of adrenaline is it's own self-limiting "recharge time". If you'll notice, adrenal skills don't have a recharge time like spells/signets/etc. Otherwise, you could say, build up 12 adrenaline and then rapid fire off a skill that takes 4 adrenaline strikes 3 times in rapid succession, which would be a tad unfair


Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Nov 2005

I think there's a stickied thread in the warrior section of the forums which detail the adrenaline system and highlights why the interface doesn't have an adrenaline bar comparable to a health bar. In summary, the adrenaline charges are kept on an individual skill level and would be misleading if pooled on the character level.

I wouldn't object to a more contrasting fill gradient on the adrenal skills. It is sometimes difficult to tell when a skill is charged, particularly on the higher cost skills.