Penalizing the (spies) leaver in all PvP areas



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2006

Cookie Cutter [FTW]

What I really can't Understand is all the people that are so pissed Off about leaving. IS it really THAT bad? I never experiance leavers much outside of the huge after school rush on American Servers. Even then it's only one leaver per 2 games on average. And winning 3 vs 4 is easily possible. there isn't even a Point to penilizing peopel like this. THe only thing it will accomplish is lesss people Playing Random areanas.

Its stupid to assume that you can fix stupididty or someoen being Leaving.
HOnestly just deal with it. ITs not really as bad as some of you Drama Queens Make out.

Wtf Its A Monk

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006



Originally Posted by =HT=Ingram
/not signed...

There are other way sto avoid the "SPY / Espionage" problem in alliance battles... not the least of which is if your alliance is Kurzik, then you only can join Kurzik Side for Alliance battles. period. If you try to join a luxon alliance side it will kick you out of the area saying your not allied with the luxons... Much like the merchants not talking to you if your faction is not in their favor. if your alliance standing is not in favor the alliance area will not let you have access. you must play on the side that your alliance is affilated. This is not to say you can not join the other faction later if your alliance chooses too. I'm just saying... this is a much simpiler solution to the problem then tinkering with punitive actions that can easily be avoided by unplugging your LAN cable and simulating an err=7 disconnect...
that would cause problems for people who get guest invites in order to gain kurzick/luxon faction for amber or to advance the storyline on the other side....i think that there a a small number of people who auctualy spy and a large number of people who just afk for free points....

Randomway Ftw

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Oct 2006

Ottawa, Canada

This is a stupid ass cry fest thread, nothing needs to be done about the so called "leaver" problem. I have a feeling that the people who want to penalize others for leaving are mending wammos or flare spammers who are tired of having people rage their teams.



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Nov 2006

It's one year old thread! Don't bother arguing with old posts.



Academy Page

Join Date: Jan 2007

Legie Zatracenych


Originally Posted by Taala
Eh? You posted to one year old thread just to advertise your other thread in Sardelac?
Absolutely no. But I have pointed to it, because it's a possible solution .



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2006


Dragons of Torment (DOA)


leavers of any sort are a pain, they should be penalised in the harshest of ways, yes there can be ways around that, but to prevent them from doing the common methods punishment is necessary.
Say for example someone leaves an alliance battle, a suitable punishment is to deplete there friend of title to zero, on both luxon and Kurzik
Quit HA, lose rank, quit RA or TA lose gladiator, Quit a mission Lose protector progress.

People that quit for the sake of it should be punished, those that quite due to bad planning as well, Obviously if you are playing in a area alone then this shoudl not apply, eg missions in pve, or HvH, there is the option to resign if you so desire as well.
Yes peopel may pull their internet connection, but at least you will reduce those just mapping out etc


Grotto Attendant

Join Date: Apr 2007

For the reasons posted by the second poster, OP's suggestion will not work. If someone is determined enough to grief, there's nothing a-net can do to them that will deter them.

Rather than trying to punish them (and failing), a better approach would be to try to reduce their capacity to grief. One solution is to impose short-duration temp bans on anyone who leaves a PvP game in progress more than W times in X minutes, or more than Y times in Z hours. If someone griefs 3 times in 5 minutes, then they get a 15 minute ban, you may not have deterred them from doing it again, but at least you reduced the amount of harm they could do by 75%. If afk-detection could be gotten working well, the same sort of solution could be extended to those situations.

(Before anyone mentions "what about people with really bad connections who crash more than W times in X minutes?" the answer is obvious: you go ahead and temp ban them too. It doesn't matter whether your bad connection keeps you from playing or a temp ban keeps you from playing -- either way you can't play. So they are no worse off.)