Well for 1, I can get either one, but I am choosing the Collectors Edition when I claim my copy from Best Buy
2, I am in America
3, I preordered in the way of purchasing the pre-sale edition of GW - I went out to Best Buy and bought it for $10. But this is the copy: Best Buy doesn't have it on the site (or it wouldn't show when I searched)
4, It has a cd key little booklet inside that had my pre-order cdkey for my 2 collectors items and my 24-hour head start access. Added the key to my account. (I drove to the store)
regards to #5:
Yes the pre-sale key is on its own, just like if you did not have GW:P you would have access to the FPE last weekend without any invites with the pre-sale, the 2 items are included, and you are granted access to the servers as if you had factions offical cdkey the full 24 hours BEFORE its released.
And like Gaile posted somewhere, it ends at midnight PST or something, and you will have to go out and get your offical copy for the cd key to get back to playing Factions.
The Collectors Edition plays no role right now, much like for me, I can decide against picking it up and get the Standard Edition instead. But for myself, I want the 2 emotes and the other stuff that comes with the Collectors, so thats what I will be picking up at Best Buy on the 28th.
hope this helps
now if I were you, I'd go out to the store directly, trying to get what you want online is a pain in the arse sometimes.