This is my first true video, my second recording job turned video. Hope you all enjoy.
Constructive crit is welcomed.
The Charrbaque
HAHAHAHAH that is awesome!!! EoE ftw
Originally Posted by Rilder
HAHAHAHAH that is awesome!!! EoE ftw
Thanks, its a great skill till you try to kill hordes of mantle of something of the like. We almost tried then realised they were "human" so we'd be sol had we.
Ya know, outside my guild your the first reply with over 100 views of my threads on 2 different boards. I'd almost lost hope to get any feedback, lol.
Ya know, outside my guild your the first reply with over 100 views of my threads on 2 different boards. I'd almost lost hope to get any feedback, lol.
beleg curudin
IT says that I cannot download it due to mantainance, what do you do in the video? only thing I can think of is the fort ranik mission and placing it so when you catapult the Charr it kills off all the ones that end the mission too.
nameless III Esq
Nice. I beleive genocide is the word for what you're doing.
Hmm well genocide would go more along the lines of propaganda, dehumanization, outlawing contact with the segragated group, and then the extermination. But its close enough
nice vid
nice vid
I love bbq's, and that one looked tasty
Looks like it was fun, nice video
Looks like it was fun, nice video
Mister Muhkuh
nice video :P
why do u have the pic of a german band as ur avatar?
why do u have the pic of a german band as ur avatar?
hmm....I don't want to boast..but i'm pretty sure my ele can solo all of that..with eoe offcourse!
Nice work. I love how the 2 charr slid down that hill after the first bomb.