Originally Posted by prodigy ming
Its true that Chinese generals and warriors are alot less familar to the North American than Samurai. At first I found that strange since the Chinese has been pretty much at war with barbarians like Huns, or Mogol, and each other almost constantly for the past 3000 years.
Originally Posted by prodigy ming
However, when outsider truely first got to known the Chinese was at their weakest time during the end of the Qing Dynasty while the Japanese was a raising star with their modernaztion. I think thats why people came to disregard Chinese as able warriors and praise Japanese samurai as l33t godly people.
Also agreed.
A culture does not dominate vast swaths of land without appropriate military capabilities. The Chinese culture have dominated far east Asia for more than 3000 years. In fact, one could make a serious argument that until the advent of modern technology, it is the most successful culture in the history of the world.
Honestly, there is really no comparables... To beat this, one would have to have the Assyrians (from 1500BC) still around as a viable culture today.
Despite their denials to the contrary, the Japanese also borrowed significantly from the Chinese. Personally, I don't understand why this is a big issue for the Japanese, since all successful cultures actually do copy and build on top of other people's successful ideas.
There is no doubt that the Japanese did remarkably well in the modern era. Far better than the Chinese did. Certainly, the stupidity of certain Chinese leaders did not help (the Cultural Revolution, anyone?).
In any case, my point is that if you think about it -- the monk in GW (as evident by their dance) is a Shao-lin influenced figure. Although American, I am not a big fan of ninjas or samurais - they are just two other warrior types.
Some other warrior types that might be kewl in the game...
- Zulu, with their elongated shield and assagai (short stabbing spears that are almost like swords)
- Hoplit, esp. the Spartan type with their kukri-like sword, spear and bronze shield
- Egyptian, with the khopesh