Can You Get Ur Hair Dyed Or Cut Anywhere?
Is There anyplace in Guildwars you can do this cause im not to happy with how i look with my new armour and all cause i dont like helmets
EDIT: OOps put Hairs Instead of Hair Sorry =[
Can You Get Your Hairs Dyed Or Cut Anywhere?
Rayne Nightfyre
Nope, at least not in this chapter. I know A-Net has given consideration to editing character appearances, so perhaps in a future installment of Guild Wars.
yay cause my warrior is a blonde in black ~ just cant make 15K pl8 dyed black look all grr when u look like jesus
Honestly thats kind of a Dumb Qustion to ask in the first place u made ur chars if u dont like them delete them u hade the ablity to make it look the way u wanted in the beging ur fault gl
Its not a Dumb question, and it makes perfect sense to me why someone would want to. When you create your character, all you have to base your whole image off of is the basic starter armor. You have no way of seeing what the style looks like on later armors you intent to purchase for looks, such as FoW.
FirstTime, I suppose you think dyes are dumb as well then, I mean now that you can pick your color to start with....why would anyone ever want to change it. Sometimes you just get tired of looking at the same thing
I wish I could change my warriors hair, she looks kind of dykish in hindsight
FirstTime, I suppose you think dyes are dumb as well then, I mean now that you can pick your color to start with....why would anyone ever want to change it. Sometimes you just get tired of looking at the same thing