Extreme Farming Video
Lasher Dragon
Get it while it's hot!!! You too can farm like a pro... follow this tutorial and farm yourself right out of poverty!!! Soon you too will be ub3r-1337!!11
All the secrets to my farming success are here for the taking. Do you have the initiative to step up to the plate and make things work for you? It's not free money - you will have to put your back into it - but the rewards can be outstanding for those with the stamina to make this work.
This method will work for any Warrior primary - no secondary skills/abilities needed!
Don't miss out on this offer of a lifetime - get as much farming in as you can before the nerf bat comes a swinging!!!
Click HERE for your FREE Extreme Farming tutorial!!!
All the secrets to my farming success are here for the taking. Do you have the initiative to step up to the plate and make things work for you? It's not free money - you will have to put your back into it - but the rewards can be outstanding for those with the stamina to make this work.
This method will work for any Warrior primary - no secondary skills/abilities needed!
Don't miss out on this offer of a lifetime - get as much farming in as you can before the nerf bat comes a swinging!!!
Click HERE for your FREE Extreme Farming tutorial!!!
oh my god ._.
O.O ... Wow
I was expecting somebody farming a herd of hydras or titans or something....man was I off.
I was expecting somebody farming a herd of hydras or titans or something....man was I off.
Websense Blocked: Filter: Tasteless
LMAO, guess Ill have to wait till home.
LMAO, guess Ill have to wait till home.
Those hunky bodies got my girlfriend horny.
Arica Stormbane
Damn... loughing out loud while your girlfriend is taking a nap on the couch next to you is not good for your relationship
Ashley Twig
When you think you've seen everything...
LOL Ashley, you're right.
No. No no no
its not loading for me
be more funny.
salja Wachi
hmmmm great Stones tune but i get no video lol.
Those putfiles never load for me. Get a normal hosting service people.
awsome video. very funny. it also wasnt loading for me, but then i just refreshed the page a couple times and it worked.
That video is awesome. I wish I could farm like the pros and be just like you!!
Kuku Monk
submit to Hue
salja Wachi
it loaded for me but all i got was The Rolling Stones lol no vidoe
Algren Cole
too lazy to find a working proxy..i'll view later
too lazy to find a working proxy..i'll view later
Mariena Feladon
So, THAT was the farming video you were working on, Lash.
I feel like I need a shower by just watching that O_o
I feel like I need a shower by just watching that O_o
OMG that's scarily funny!
hrmmm a little too much free time on your hands methinks
You should have put dueling banjos as the background music ala Deliverance.
You should have put dueling banjos as the background music ala Deliverance.
Originally Posted by Tactical-Dillusions
Those hunky bodies got my girlfriend horny.
Originally Posted by Dumachum
Those putfiles never load for me. Get a normal hosting service people.
umm... do you need some plugin to view this?
yep, definately no video playing for me either
Sereng Amaranth
Originally Posted by aB-
yep, definately no video playing for me either
you're not missing anything, sick movie
they have nerfed all farming spots
whats up with screewN all the old chars over
by not leting people farm any thing any more
seems like every patch makes the game that much more nurfed
every patch makes the game more and more boring
so I can see why someone would make a farming video like this
looks like you found the last spot they haveNT nerfed yet
but they will soon
they work hard to make sure no one has fun playing the game after theyVE done all the missions
nurf away
nurf the game right into anti fun zone
whats up with screewN all the old chars over
by not leting people farm any thing any more
seems like every patch makes the game that much more nurfed
every patch makes the game more and more boring
so I can see why someone would make a farming video like this
looks like you found the last spot they haveNT nerfed yet
but they will soon
they work hard to make sure no one has fun playing the game after theyVE done all the missions
nurf away
nurf the game right into anti fun zone
Omg, and I thought I had too much time on my hands.
It was bad enough watching that kind of thing being done to the female eles...
It was bad enough watching that kind of thing being done to the female eles...
Tried it out and they nerfed it already. The nerf bat is swift and harsh.
Originally Posted by Sereng Amaranth
firefox for teh win!
A codec enables you to see a certain file type.
Whenever a Media player won't play a file it is the codec. I spent the last nine months making moving comics using stills and based on Ultima Online, I got a pretty good handle on this kinda stuff.
I hope the OP doesn't mind but here is the link to the file itself
Save it, then download this free VLC Media Player
I would have posted the link to the codec, but I can't find it online. And I am sick of saying that word.
ok one more time....codec!! har!
Storm Shadow
man thats great
Lol, that's too funny. That's a bunch o hogwash!
You sick twisted individual..............reminds me of the time I had my Wolf Druid in D2 behind a cow in town........you twisted bastard........
Nice twisted video
Nice twisted video
Gah, stupid video won't load properly. All I get is music.
That was, um, interesting.
already posted why some people have a problem watching video
you need to update your windows meida player
already posted why some people have a problem watching video
you need to update your windows meida player