Question About Yesterday's News
Okay, I haven't played WoW that much, and only heard things second-hand, but is anyone else here concerned that the recent acquisition of by Blizzard could cause some customer service and game support issues?
I'm guessing April Fools .
Dejà Vu, or was this exactly the same "News" one year ago?
People believe everything they read. Especially today for some reason.
my heart sunk abit but lol.
nice one
happy April fools
nice one
happy April fools
In other news... I am setting up a PayPal donation link where all the GWG community can donate to so we can buy out Blizzard and A.Net and merge them to be the best Online RPG game makers in history.
Alright, alright, it's that transparent, is it? I had a great one ready to go, "verifications" and all, and then someone else posted a variation of it ahead of me.
Still, it wouldn't be April Fool's, without....
Still, it wouldn't be April Fool's, without....
lefty hagorn
Most anet devs left blizzard seems dumb to leave then head back. When ya got your own cash cow why put him back into a herd.