{E} Cry of the Master
15 energy
0 casting time
30 seconds recharge time
For 8...14[16] seconds all friendly minions in the area gain 2...8[10] damage and 1...6[8] health regeneration, and you experience 10...6[5] heal degeneration
Ether Destruction
10 energy
1 seconds cast time
25 seconds recharge
Target foe loses 5...11[13] energy. If that foe had less than half energy, foe experiences -1 energy regeneration for 10 seconds, and u lose 5 energy.
{E} Crutual Hexes
10 energy
2 seconds cast time
15 seconds recharge
Target foe loses all hexes. For each hex lost foe takes 20 damage and loses 1...5[6] energy for each hex lost. if that foe loses more than 3 hexes u take 15 damage for each hex more that was lost.
couldnt really word Crutual hexes better...but u get the idea

again...tell me what u think plz.