Since we only got 3 at the beginning, and I've used them all, I'm stuck in America forever now, instead of Europe, where I want to be in again. It's just lame that we got an non-even amount of changes, this way they even force some Europeans to stay in American Districts.
Please, add a change to every account, that'd solve the problem. And if not, add an non-even amount of District changes in Factions, that'd solve this as well.
Give us an even amount of region changes!
So they bring it back to two....thats an even number....then some more people will start complaining about it because they can only change the dis two times

They should make it per month but they shouldn't be stacking so the max you can have is 3. I think that wouldn't cause the problem of people switch territories just because they don't have favor.
Im pretty sure you can be sent back to your original territory if you contact them.
Mercury Angel
It was originally '5', and they dropped it to '4' for an even number. Are you sure you only had '3'? I haven't heard of it being dropped down again, but then again, seeing as I still have '5' left, I haven't paid much attention to it.
Diluant De Peau
It is a real limited 5 at first. Thats why many folks just get another account and have one in home region and the other where ever.
Not sure if they had another reason besides what the other poster could just jump back and forth to be on the side that has favor...
EDIT: Just saw MA posted at the same time I did...
Not sure if they had another reason besides what the other poster could just jump back and forth to be on the side that has favor...
EDIT: Just saw MA posted at the same time I did...
So if you are stuck, give them an email.
Hello Veneficus, Thanks for getting in touch with your question about changing Guild Wars territories. We currently have been allowing five (5) changes of territory over the life of the player's account. The limitation on the number of changes was put in place to prevent tournament abuse, and to assure that players are able to receive support from the appropriate region of the world. Because a few players ended up in the opposite game world territory that they ultimately desired, based on the fact that an odd number of changes were allowed, we are going to change to a total of four (4) territory changes. This will assure that players can return to their original "home" territory. As a courtesy for our customers who find themselves without the ability to return to their home territory, we will reset your territory assignment one additional time for you. This is a one-time change, and future requests to change territories cannot be accepted nor acted upon. If you wish to have your account territory changed this final time, please reply to this email with the following information: - Your Retail CD-Key - Your Guild Wars account (login) As soon as we receive this information we will proceed your request. This change may require an additional few business days. If you do not see that the change has taken place within four business days, please reply to this email and let us know. Regards, The Guild Wars Support Team NCsoft Europe |
So if you are stuck, give them an email.
Dr Strangelove
^ ^ They asked for your cd key and login? Aren't they not supposed to do that? Personally, I'd be kind of worried, even if it was legit.
Originally Posted by Dr Strangelove
^ ^ They asked for your cd key and login? Aren't they not supposed to do that? Personally, I'd be kind of worried, even if it was legit.
they ask for your key and login, not your password
besides, it's on their site, so no worries. they could delete your characters without getting your password if they wanted to
besides, it's on their site, so no worries. they could delete your characters without getting your password if they wanted to