Wards Need To Cause Exhaustion
Wards are overpowered.
You can have 5 earth magic and be guaranteed 10+ seconds of 50% decrease speed or 50% melee. You can't db in melee either.
IMO, they get spammed too much..
SURE, you can AOE, but look at the popular IWAY AOE spells.
Metoer Shower 25 energy exhaustion
Maelstorm 25 energy exhaustion
Why don't the damn wards cause exhaustion then??
I'ts not fair! It makes kiting too damn eazy too!
They are overpowered on altar matches also. ANET, please nerf
these overpowered skills that create wells of doom. Well of profane
itself costs 25 ENERGY. Melee and Foes cost 15!!! That's not fair!
Exhaustion on next skill update plz.
You can have 5 earth magic and be guaranteed 10+ seconds of 50% decrease speed or 50% melee. You can't db in melee either.
IMO, they get spammed too much..
SURE, you can AOE, but look at the popular IWAY AOE spells.
Metoer Shower 25 energy exhaustion
Maelstorm 25 energy exhaustion
Why don't the damn wards cause exhaustion then??
I'ts not fair! It makes kiting too damn eazy too!
They are overpowered on altar matches also. ANET, please nerf
these overpowered skills that create wells of doom. Well of profane
itself costs 25 ENERGY. Melee and Foes cost 15!!! That's not fair!
Exhaustion on next skill update plz.
It won't happen
You can still kill through wards so there is no need to change it. You beat wards with strategy. Here's a tip. Move AWAY from enemies wards then when they try to cast more interrupt it or lock it down with diversion.
Wards are managable but only with tactics
You can still kill through wards so there is no need to change it. You beat wards with strategy. Here's a tip. Move AWAY from enemies wards then when they try to cast more interrupt it or lock it down with diversion.
Wards are managable but only with tactics
u can interrupt wards everytime if your good
As a warden I find this thread funny. Other than that, I think if you added exhaustion to wards it would be basically the end of wardens.
If you want to avoid ward against melee bring rigor mortis, or WARRIOR'S CUNNING.
Wards are nothing more than area buff like a Monk's Aegis.
If you want to avoid ward against melee bring rigor mortis, or WARRIOR'S CUNNING.
Wards are nothing more than area buff like a Monk's Aegis.
did your IWAY group recently get wrecked by a group with a warder?
um, to counter wards try bringing damage other than warriors.
Tarot Ribos
SURE, you can AOE, but look at the popular IWAY AOE spells. |
This guy's just mad that his IWAY group got beaten. He loses all credibility. It just proves that IWAY isn't overpowered. Whoop de doo.
/not signed
Warriors have plenty of ways to be unblockable/unevadable.
Warriors have plenty of ways to be unblockable/unevadable.
Gee, as a ranger beastmaster with a moa bird, I've never really noticed Ward vs Melee being very overpowered.
Funny, huh?
Piercing damage FTW!
Funny, huh?
Piercing damage FTW!
Piercing makes no difference to the 50% block chance of WvM, but i agree with your point (everyone except OP), they are NOT overpowered, just uber when used right.
Originally Posted by LifeInfusion
As a warden I find this thread funny. Other than that, I think if you added exhaustion to wards it would be basically the end of wardens.
If you want to avoid ward against melee bring rigor mortis, or WARRIOR'S CUNNING. Wards are nothing more than area buff like a Monk's Aegis. |
To general forum:
Turbo Wombat
Since so many other skills in the Elementalists line cause exhaustion, I'm going to say no. Also, since wards are sometimes the only thing standing between "squishy" classes and total decimation, I'm going to say definately not.
If wards really piss you off so much, either:
A - Bring a skill that either counteracts the wards effects / stops it from casting.
B - Chose a class that doesn't have to worry about the effects of a ward (Ranger, Necro, Mesmer, Monk)
If wards really piss you off so much, either:
A - Bring a skill that either counteracts the wards effects / stops it from casting.
B - Chose a class that doesn't have to worry about the effects of a ward (Ranger, Necro, Mesmer, Monk)
Minus Sign
Originally Posted by anonymous
um, to counter wards try bringing damage other than warriors.
As for kiting inside a ward: omg, if you can't kill a monk while its running around in a ward like a mouse in a cage, i pity you.
To the OP: I don't think a spell beat you. I think your own overconfidence has. IWAY can lose; its been proven time and again. IWAY will lose; it's going to happen more and more since they've nerfed some of its power.
Your team ran a gimmick build and got its butt spanked. Lesson here: don't run gimick builds: they'll get their butt spanked.
Adapt or die.
/notsigned ever. Wards are as overpowered as Orison is. It's a widely used spell: why donesn't healing cause exhaustion too???
Guardian of the Light
Originally Posted by shezbian
Wards are overpowered.
You can have 5 earth magic and be guaranteed 10+ seconds of 50% decrease speed or 50% melee. You can't db in melee either. IMO, they get spammed too much.. SURE, you can AOE, but look at the popular IWAY AOE spells. Metoer Shower 25 energy exhaustion Maelstorm 25 energy exhaustion Why don't the damn wards cause exhaustion then?? I'ts not fair! It makes kiting too damn eazy too! They are overpowered on altar matches also. ANET, please nerf these overpowered skills that create wells of doom. Well of profane itself costs 25 ENERGY. Melee and Foes cost 15!!! That's not fair! Exhaustion on next skill update plz. |
O ya post it here the first time so a mod doesn't have to move it.
yup lets nerf the elemental class a little more. I have better idea why don't you just as to get rid of the elemental class altogether it would make alot of people happy!
Ooh... maybe you can even take down their health just a wee bit more! Their survival rate in PvE isn't low enough yet!
Divinus Stella
Classic, that guys 100% noob ^^
Haha I was planning to read a thread that has wards actually cause exhaustion to opponents.
. Ward of Exhaustion!

Use Rangers. Warders hate Rangers.

a good balanced group can easily punish a group camped in wards
it would be nice though if the duration didnt coincide with the cooldown. =/
Obvious trolling. At least make an effort to hide it, yeah?
/Not Signed
I don't feel that they are over powered. Also with Assasin "warping" in to hit soft targets, ward's help even more now.
I don't feel that they are over powered. Also with Assasin "warping" in to hit soft targets, ward's help even more now.
/not signed
You clearly have never played a warder. Causing exhaustion would make them completely useless (many already have to deal with exhaustion a lot with obsidan flame, so even more would just kill the build completly.) I think A.net likes the current meta-game as it is, they just don't want anything to be too overpowered. (ie, people still run IWAY though it is a lot less effective now. People still run air spike but it is not that effective now, etc). Making wards cause exhaustion would mean that NOBODY would run them.
You clearly have never played a warder. Causing exhaustion would make them completely useless (many already have to deal with exhaustion a lot with obsidan flame, so even more would just kill the build completly.) I think A.net likes the current meta-game as it is, they just don't want anything to be too overpowered. (ie, people still run IWAY though it is a lot less effective now. People still run air spike but it is not that effective now, etc). Making wards cause exhaustion would mean that NOBODY would run them.
Theres a damn good reason it works well on melee, because each job is suppose to have effective techniques to use against at least some other jobs. Just because there is a counter for your build doesn't mean it beats everything or that it's overpowered. Almost every effective elementist skill can be stripped or interupted, try a change in tactics.
Now it would be great if new wards were added, even realy powerful ones which would merit an exhaustion.
Now it would be great if new wards were added, even realy powerful ones which would merit an exhaustion.
To the OP: learn how to play something other than IWAY.
To GWG staff: can I get an order of thread lock with a side of snappy retort?
To GWG staff: can I get an order of thread lock with a side of snappy retort?
The only good ward is foes, which is only overpowered in relics. melee and the other 2 suck monkey butt.
Sha Noran
Originally Posted by GTi
Did I ever tell you guys about how I came up with the idea for earth?
Well rewind a few billion years ago. I was playing poker with god one day when I said: "Yo son, check this out. I think we should create a new planet with lots of animals on it and one superior race on it called quagars....no wait, make that humans! The caveat is the race will be inflicted with geeky kids who spend too much time on a thing called the internet saying stupid things. God screwed me over and took all the credit. And the rest they say is history... |
You named all the AoE from your Tainted. You forgot your trappers.
I Think Monks need to be nerfed!! They Heal and protect too much making it really hard for ickle iway teams to farm fame.....(sarcasm btw) Wards should stay as they are.
/unsigned ripped up, set on fire, fed to the dog
/unsigned ripped up, set on fire, fed to the dog
Just silly. Wards only make IWAY scream because the weaker player don't know how to stop them. I played MATH last night, they didn't flinch at our wards and ate us for breakfast.
Profane also rips ALL enchantments, and makes anybody in the well totally without boon prot support. /unsigned by a good long way...
Hello noob thread creator,
I was going to cast a ward against noob warrior and then a ward of B slaps for being as noob as you really are. Dude, Start paying attention to game, read threads arround before you cry for a certain skill bugging you. Too many people have already flamed you enough with reasons, i wont even try, ain't worth wasting time. Pointing fingers at a class which has been nerfed to grounds already, shame on your existance.
YO Pete, Yeh monks need to be nerfed! They have attempted to nerf baboons by taking all the healing spells.
An Elementalist.
I was going to cast a ward against noob warrior and then a ward of B slaps for being as noob as you really are. Dude, Start paying attention to game, read threads arround before you cry for a certain skill bugging you. Too many people have already flamed you enough with reasons, i wont even try, ain't worth wasting time. Pointing fingers at a class which has been nerfed to grounds already, shame on your existance.
YO Pete, Yeh monks need to be nerfed! They have attempted to nerf baboons by taking all the healing spells.
An Elementalist.
Lex Talionis
I agree with everything everyone has said about the op being a noob. Wards are so easy to get around. If you can't get around a ward then your the most pathetic player out there
+ /not signed Also this thread will be closed real soon