All Mesmer Underworld Expedition #1

Shanaeri Rynale

Shanaeri Rynale

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005



A few months ago a few guildies, friends and I did a couple of all mesmer FoW runs. After the success of these, the intention was to go and try an all mesmer UW team.

The Team composition was
2Xheal/prot hybrid monks with prot spirit and aegis
1X prot monk, but not bonds
1x air snare ele, with a small amount of nuking
1X domination and denial Me/E with nuking
1X Me/N with SS and energy drain and interupts
1X Me/W with IW and stances(not a 55)

Freed Labrynth reaper

Freed vale reaper and did spider quest.

Did Escort of souls

Cleared Smites

Freed twin serpent reaper and did slayer quest

We also patrtially cleared Chaos plains with 5 but as it was getting late we decided to do univited guests for the easy XP

I really, honestly expected us to just be able to clear the chamber given the rules we set down of no 55 and trapper builds. But as can be seen below we did pretty well, only not completing 4 quests(free all reapers(we did'nt do 3), ice King, 4 horsemen and imprisoned spirits. The greatest enemy was time, as people had to leave before we could do all of them. The chaos plains were fun with 5 mesmers, but in truth it was pretty easy as so long as the monks could out heal the degen, the mindblades could lured into small groups and wanded to death.

In short I have been with many good balanced teams that were harder work than this.

A few things would need to be tweaked in the build but basicially the theory was to use conditions and snares to deny melee damage to the team, interupts and denial to stop the largest damage spikes and finally Aoe to ensure we could kill them faster then they could us.

Huge Thanks to all those who took part, it was the most fun I've had for ages



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005



i guess this proves it once and for all. mesmers are the best ever. PM me at Lady Paradon next time you do it, im always up for this kind of stuff



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2005

A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away...

Frank Ought To Monk [FotM]


Lol. Nice job.

Rayne Nightfyre

Rayne Nightfyre

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005

Acolytes of Lyssa [AL]


That is downright awesome. If you ever need another Mesmer, definitely send me a whisper!

Edit: oh yes...

Originally Posted by BlackRecluse
i guess this proves it once and for all. mesmers are the best ever. /quoted for truth.



Look into the Eye.

Join Date: Oct 2005

Detroit, Mi

Oh No Not These Guys [uhoh]


I'm willing to bet Avarre could do it with 2

edit: is that firestorm in your bar? >.<

Rayne Nightfyre

Rayne Nightfyre

Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Dec 2005

Acolytes of Lyssa [AL]


Originally Posted by sno
I'm willing to bet Avarre could do it with 2 Of course, but where's the fun in that?

Mesmer x8 parties ftw!

Two April Mornings

Two April Mornings

No Luck No Time No Money

Join Date: Nov 2005

Amherst College, MA

Scars Meadows [SMS]


that is one of the coolest gw things

mesmers ftw

Sentao Nugra

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jul 2005

Crystal Lake, Illinois

Grenths Rejects [GR]

Originally Posted by sno
I'm willing to bet Avarre could do it with 2 dont expose our secret plan!

i mean *insert dodgy emote here* ........



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006

United States



Originally Posted by sno
edit: is that firestorm in your bar? >.< /me sees no Firestorm...

Nicely done!



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Jul 2005


The Final Exodus[FX]

Just how many of u have Fow armor?



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006

Originally Posted by jonnybegood
Just how many of u have Fow armor? i see 2 fow armors in the pic

pm me if u want to do a full mesmer thing again



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006


There is 3 full FoW's, and 2 Semi

Il post more pictures later



Bubblegum Patrol

Join Date: Dec 2005

Singapore Armed Forces

Originally Posted by sno
I'm willing to bet Avarre could do it with 2
Me and Sentao are testing to 2-man mindblades, if what we're planning works, we'll be able to video the UW challenge Only worried about collateral degen while gathering them, if I can stay alive till then it shouldn't be a prob.

Nice job anyhow, but your skillbar is... *cry* Domination, fire, water, illusion, and fast casting?

Question... why is one of the mesmers enchanted and wearing normal armor in the first pic with the party bar hidden, and later wearing FoW armor?

Jiao Yang

Jiao Yang

Lunar Rabbit

Join Date: Dec 2005

Nice job guys.. I wont say I can play mesmer for you because im on European servers, but that looks really fun.

Shanaeri Rynale

Shanaeri Rynale

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005



Sounds good Avarre. We were tempted to go low health, or trapping builds, but wanted to try and replicate a full balanced team as possible. If we had gone a 55/trapping or a 'trick build' route then it would have kinda lost the spirit of what we were trying personally to do.

Yeah it's a hella weird skill bar, but in an all mes team you have to expect it - lol. It's also important that everyone's build dovetails in, so individually people would go what the hell is that there for, in the context of the team buld tho it makes some degree of sense.

Tbh in later runs I would remove distortion and replace with mantra of resolve, and swap frozen burst for blinding flash

So yes a very wide spread, but my purpose here was'nt outright damage tho it had to learn towards that, but to provide enough time via blinds and snares for the damage dealers and monks to keep everyone alive.

I'd mentally worked out the amount of time we'd need stuff blinded and snared so arranged my attrs accordingly. There no point in snaring something for 10 seconds if they are dead in 6 for example.

As for changing armors, Only a mesmer can appreciate the answer. Her armor was dirty(smite goo gets everywhere) and she needed a clean set...

P.S we are on euro servers.



Bubblegum Patrol

Join Date: Dec 2005

Singapore Armed Forces

Not sure what you needed blind for though... a stance mesmer with ripostes can solo aatxes, so if say, you had a mesmer with bonds to put on tank you could probably trim your skillbars slightly.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: May 2005

Chicago, IL

Rebel Rising [rawr]

Wow, that's... domination, illusion, fire, air, AND water in your bar, and I imagine you didn't neglect fast casting either :O

Shanaeri Rynale

Shanaeri Rynale

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005



Yup we could certainly change things about.

Blind's were'nt for the stance mesmer really, they were for everyone else. We knew aggro would be weird so blinds and snares were a fail safe in case Me/W died and the melee mobs bunny hopped to the casters

We had multiple redundancies built in, which may not be the optimum in efficiency, but in an experimental set up, with the potential of err 7's etc happening(we had one) it's often better to go for overlaps than be short in a critical area.

Avarre, If you are on the Euro servers i'd love to team sometime



Bubblegum Patrol

Join Date: Dec 2005

Singapore Armed Forces

Originally Posted by Shanaeri Rynale
Yup we could certainly change things about.

Blind's were'nt for the stance mesmer really, they were for everyone else. We knew aggro would be weird so blinds and snares were a fail safe in case Me/W died and the melee mobs bunny hopped to the casters

We had multiple redundancies built in, which may not be the optimum in efficiency, but in an experimental set up, with the potential of err 7's etc happening(we had one) it's often better to go for overlaps than be short in a critical area.

Avarre, If you are on the Euro servers i'd love to team sometime Ugh, I'm on USA

In terms of fail safes... generally an illusion mesmer can stand against any melee single-mob aggro breach (Distortion ftw). As for a larger split... switch something for ice spikes, so that if the tank looks like they are in dire straights, they can slow the whole mob pack in case the tank goes down. Frozen burst isnt great for the proximity of it..

If I was running a tank, I'd set to something like:

16 illu, 12 tactics

Ineptitude {e}, shield stance, defensive stance, distortion, deadly riposte, riposte, healing signet, watch yourself.

Killed aatxes with that... basically it's the same rules as Racthoh's solo aatxe build, only you use ineptitude and distortion to cover more.

Definitely a bonder to support that, as well as 2 healers (err7 redundancy).

From there, i'd add 2 dom/illu mesmers (shatter hex, ineptitude, distortion, backfire, empathy..) and 2 insp/fire (meteor shower + glyph of energy, rodgort invoc, spirit of failure, inspired hex, etc).

That would be my plan, would probably work. Only way is to test..

Vermilion Okeanos

Forge Runner

Join Date: Feb 2005

Now kids, say it with teacher... "Mesemer-pwn-j00-all!"

^Above is the kid version^

Real version is...

"Thou shoult fall before the might of Lyssa!" (say it with an accent)

Shanaeri Rynale

Shanaeri Rynale

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005



Sounds a great Build Avarre, we'll steal it and test it next time



Academy Page

Join Date: Mar 2006

Word Of Reality Dawns [DAWN]


mmm mesmer goodness :P



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006


As for the changing armour sets, and being enchanted...when the photo was taken, i was wearing collectors top (male), and had just cast Prot Spirit on myself :P, then i changed to my FoW top after the picture was taken

Few more pictures:

I had alot more, but they didnt seem to come out well



There is no spoon.

Join Date: Jun 2005



You can 3-man the whole UW with 3 Memsers if you'd like, it's just quite slow, but possible



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006


Probably using a 55hp build



Look into the Eye.

Join Date: Oct 2005

Detroit, Mi

Oh No Not These Guys [uhoh]


Interesting build Avarre, but what about bonettis? Bonettis might be needed to keep your energy up, with all the loss from casting distortion over and over, plus the -1 per hit. Just a thought



Bubblegum Patrol

Join Date: Dec 2005

Singapore Armed Forces

I didn't have much trouble (besides the 200 damage hits) when I tried soloing, using this order :

Ineptitude, shield stance, wanding... 2x ripostes, ineptitude, defensive stance, wanding... 2x ripostes, repeat.

crimson carapace stance shield, collector customized max illusion wand (20% illu recharge), collector stance sword.

The purpose of distortion was mainly if i got hit during def stance, and needed to use healing signet (which cancels it), I could use that as a buffer evade stance. Since shield stance was buffed, both last more than long enough to maintain such a cycle indefinitely. However while soloing, you... er... die in 2 hits... which means there is a low but noticeable chance of dying without a chance. I prefer to avoid bonetti's because of the adren cost and the weakness of mesmers - just after you fire 2x ripostes, you're down 1 adren from what you were before, so there's a high chance of dying while wanding for that last strike.

Of course, with a bonder using 2x bonds, damage would be reduced to around... 60-70. Not a concern from aatxes.

Originally Posted by Maxiemonster
You can 3-man the whole UW with 3 Memsers if you'd like, it's just quite slow, but possible Calling BS on that till I have proof... it took 7 hours and was painfully difficult for Sno/Jerry/Gwen to 3man it using 55monk + backup SB + SS necro. With 3 primary mesmers you wouldn't last on the chaos planes, regardless of 55 or fullhp, or be able to survive Feasts of Corruption from dead threshers.

Tip for veneficus : I'd drop eDrain and ether tap for Mantra of Recall and Inspired Hex. I play healer mesmer for friends occasionally, and I found those usually hold my energy in good levels continuously, as well as giving you some hex removal.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Oct 2005


I see lots of familiar names in that screenie

Looks more impressive then the 8-mesmer fissure team

Nice work



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006


Originally Posted by Avarre
Tip for veneficus : I'd drop eDrain and ether tap for Mantra of Recall and Inspired Hex. I play healer mesmer for friends occasionally, and I found those usually hold my energy in good levels continuously, as well as giving you some hex removal. I havnt ever played Protection Mes before, so i wasnt sure what skills to take , next time we go (*hint shan*) Il try a different build, with your suggestions, plus mend condition i think.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

Scars Meadows [SMS], Retired Officer


sorry... did you guys go to uw or a dinner party?

j/k. nice job.



Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Jan 2006


Originally Posted by striderkaaru
sorry... did you guys go to uw or a dinner party?

j/k. nice job.
Bit of both tbh, we stopped for a cookie / doughnut break a few times

Lord Mendes

Lord Mendes

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Nov 2005

Derka-Derka Land

Steel Phoenix (StP)


so this is what u crazy kids were doin that night we couldnt get a guild HA team together.
Nice job anyway... Nice to see so many familiar faces.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Jun 2005

Walking the ruins of Ascalon



Nice as always Shan, I would have loved to join but real life chores prevented that.

Anyway Mesmers are FTW

GJ everyone



Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Apr 2005



im on european servers, im still up for it



Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Feb 2006



Was great I must say. As easy as with some balanced guild group. I'm absolutely in when we are going next time.
While in UW we noticed that some builds might need some minor changes, but now that we know better what skills we need, next trip will be even more easier. This trip supposed to be just experimental anyways... It just kinda got out of hands (and the build worked a lot better than we had expected)

We had also one illusion mesmer with us. I dont know if she used any secondary skills, but her secondary was necromancer...
(Shan! How could you forget Lij from that list?!)