Pets in towns
Silent Kitty
I like to see people's pets in town. It looks cute and it gives some insight on how many tamable pets there are. It has an other advantage too. You can optimize your party window in town, which is especially helpful for a healer (like me), who also heals pets. Oh wait, that last thing will not work, unless party window sizes are the same inside and outside towns.
More polys to render, yay!
Daithi the wolf
Nice thought,only problem is thats more crowding in towns.For any ranger who has a pet plus any secondary rangers(there's alot).Places like Droknar are already crowded.I think pets might crowd it to the point of chaos
Silent Kitty
Originally Posted by Daithi the wolf
I think pets might crowd it to the point of chaos

Yeah well that a good suggestion
Though for people who don´t want to see all pets or only one should have a function that hides pet´s that the person don´t want to see

Hahaha xD
This suggestion has been suggested many times already. Everyone having pets would lag districts. Picture LA dis 1 spam city, with pets everywhere.
As for the pet kennel that I think is a good idea.
As for the pet kennel that I think is a good idea.
Former Ruling
I wuold quit if they did this and didnt fix their messed up/amatuar way of rendering the screen >_<
pets in towns , togle weapons too
pets in towns , togle weapons too