Sorry if this has been posted before I did have a look but I think its important.
The game neatly provides you with weapon sets so you can quickly change between weapons in game allowing you to take advantage of any arrising situation. But what Id also like to see is an in town build switch so I can say swap my sword build for a hammer or axe build!
Obviously this could be an in town only feature but it would make gaming a lot easier so if with my monk I could swap quickly between healer-smiter-protector before heading on out for a mission. It would save a lot of time as most people are shouting out 'hang on let me sort out my skills'. Even if the feature only made it to the guild halls it would be endlessly usefull for building gvg teams. Thanks for your time anybodys opinions are welcome
Build sets
If that would include attributes, and skills of same class (a wammo axe build to a wammo hammer build , for example). Then that's fine.