"Serpent heads" variant of horn bow ?
Does only the not-so-good Tarnok's Recurve Bow have this amazing look or does this skin exist on "regular" bows ? If so, where can they be found, most likely ?
Originally Posted by Guily
Does only the not-so-good Tarnok's Recurve Bow have this amazing look or does this skin exist on "regular" bows ? If so, where can they be found, most likely ?
THis bow exists as a regular drop, but is rarer at higher dmg levels.
dr1zz one
aka Dragon hornbow
Oh, thank you for the correction and for the info. Any clue on the place where i'd have some chance to find one (in pve i mean), even with low-damage ?
The fastest way would be to trade for one in Lions Arch.
Check out the auction section of this very site. CLik the 'Auction' link at the top left hand side of the page. You'll want the hornbow catrgory, I regularily seen them when I was buying bows for my Ranger. As stated previously, it is a Dragon skin horn bow. Good luck.
I get a LOT from the UW. (well the starting bit anyway)
Ah, that is a usefull tip, thank you !
Underworld TOA or the old PVE HOH?
dr1zz one
Anywhere where there are a bunch of archers. Maybe one of them will drop a hornbow. Outside Bergen hot springs, there are undead archers and farther down the road are Avicara. You might get the other types of skins too, like deadbow or flesh hornbow.