In the dessert I have the option to change my profession as you well know. My question is:
If I change profession from a W/r to let say W/e can I still use the ranger skills? If I needed to use my W/r for a quest or mission instead of W/e. Can I simply redistribute my attr points accordingly and change the skills build and use W/r again even though I would now be a W/e?
I just realized I would be a W/r not a W/e. Anyway. My question still applies. Thanks for the advice (in advance)
Changing Professions
Originally Posted by Spydergst1
In the dessert I have the option to change my profession as you well know. My question is:
If I change profession from a W/r to let say W/e can I still use the ranger skills? If I needed to use my W/r for a quest or mission instead of W/e. Can I simply redistribute my attr points accordingly and change the skills build and use W/r again even though I would now be a W/e? |
you do not lose what you have and regain those skills when switching back later if you want to
Hired Blade
I suggest gettin all the second proffessions opend, gives you room to try out lots of builds. You can change back forth all you want you loose nothing. ( Pets stay at what ever level they are until u switch back)
Be aware the after switching professions you will be given only a few skills. There are profession specific quests up to Yak's Bend. All other skills will have to be purchased (1K + skill point).