Birthday Present for a Ranger
Isina Morden
My friend's birthday was last week. She's crazy about Guild Wars, so I thought up the perfect present: a drawing of her ranger, Rogue of the Mists, vaulting over a tree.
I referenced parkour/freestyle running photos to make sure the pose looked right. Afterwards, I dug through a bunch of screenshots to make her mix-n-match armor.
I referenced parkour/freestyle running photos to make sure the pose looked right. Afterwards, I dug through a bunch of screenshots to make her mix-n-match armor.
Her eyes and mouth are waaay too big.
Friggin awesome man! XD I love the way the character of the ranger is captured in this: Free spirited, at home with nature at least thats how I see my Ranger char hehe
Very cool work; saved on my HDD in my "inspirations folder".
Happy belated B-Day to your friend haha...
Friggin awesome man! XD I love the way the character of the ranger is captured in this: Free spirited, at home with nature at least thats how I see my Ranger char hehe
Very cool work; saved on my HDD in my "inspirations folder".
Happy belated B-Day to your friend haha...
that looked well ace is what i said, but the face freaks me out! good chouce of colour to
The face... what can I say... blah. It's a very nice sketch, but you royally screwed the physics up in the right leg. It looks like it's missing a huge chunk out of it, and it's positioned very uncomfortably. Otherwise, I like it. I would have went for more detail in the trunk, maybe a slung bow on her back?
what are you on about, the legs are the best part, they look well posed and carootny. by your logic stewie off family guy is a badly draw cartoon casue of his head!
yeah i think its a good picture for your friend and all but....O_O THE MOUTH AND THE FACE GOT MY ATTENTION WOW OH BOY LOL
the face reminds me of a clown used to scare children. Overall though its prety good, nice pose on the character.
The top right leg (around the hamstrings/outer right side) looks like it has a chunk missing, which makes the pose look odd. that's what i'm saying.
thor hammerbane
I like it, face looks fine..just looks like your friend had too much troll ungent...but nothing wrong with that
I personally like it. The drawing is nice, simple, and fluid... It really seems like she's moving... Kinda reminds me of a Guild Wars character somehow transported to World of Warcraft ^.^