confused about factions

The Flash

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jul 2005

i just read this thread and i dont get how propheci and faction work...can you prophecie character wear faction armor and still can go to prophecie maps?

pls clear me up


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006

North Carolina


Yes. If you merge the two games. This entails, of course, owning the first chapter and then buying factions. If you merge them all your old characters can go to Cantha and get canthan armor and the like and run around in Tyria with it. Likewise all your factions characters can run around in Tyria and wear tyrian armor, if appropriate to their class, and do the tyrian quests. If you only have factions you can only play in Cantha. If you do not merget he games then they will function as two seperate games with no interactivity between the two.