Originally Posted by drag00n
Recently, I bought Guild Wars but have been playing it on my dad's computer, and I want to buy my own. What I want to know is if the Macbook Pro's Dual Core Intel Engine will run Guild Wars.
Although Apple has made the transition to x86...no, Guild Wars will not work under OS X. It is, however, possible for you to install Windows XP onto the MacBook like chrislee149 said - it's just a really difficult and annoying process, especially getting the drivers for your devices working. (iSight will not work, no backlight, no video.)
Originally Posted by chrislee149
It won't under Windows yet, either. I believe people are still trying to find the right Windows drivers for the Intel Macs. (Hackers successfully booted Windows on Intel Macs, btw.)
Still waiting for accelerated drivers for the Mobility Radeon x1600 under XP. It's been, what, almost a month now?
Opinion: Wait for the second generation of MacBooks. Apple's initial release of products tend to...suck. (Crappy iPod Nano screens, logic board issues, MagSafe connectors that catch on fire, dead graphite AirPort base stations, etc.) Newer models should be equipped with Merom (64-bit) instead of Yonah - no, x64 doesn't matter since OS X never took full advantage of it while it was on PPC, but it'd be a "nice thing." And by the time that new models come out, I bet that someone will have figured out how to get stuff properly working.