They still need work and remembering how the AI was during the FPE they where allot better than what we have know that’s for sure. Especially Devona and she is supposed too be a tank but she goes down faster than the other two warrior henchmen.
Fix the AI
Phoenix Arrows
I'm pretty sure that they wont do any AI tweaking until Guild Wars: Factions comes out or after that. Right now, ANet's main concern is to get everything ready for the release of GW:F. But yes, I would love to see some AI changes, especially in Alesia the Healer Henchman ><". She keeps tanking...
Personally, I don't they ever updated Henchman A.I. I still see Alesia and company standing in lavafonts and firestorms. While enemies run from stuff like Flameburst. It's not a huge issue but form what I played through of the PvE Factions event enemy monsters seem to have gotten a fair bit smarter and tougher than there prophecies counterparts. Of course this could be due to the "less than perfect" builds we were given during the event, but still from what I saw of the henchman they didn't stand up all that well to the monster A.I.