Since apparently no one I see knows how to do this right, I feel I should outline a brief tutorial on how to trap in UW. This is only coming from my experience, and you may do it differently, however, if you've been in any of the groups I've been in in the past week you're doing it wrong.
Step 1: Attributes. Put all your skill points in to wilderness survival and expertise. This includes wearing a superior rune of each in your armor. I use a set of 'trapper' armor that I switch out whenever I'm trapping so I'm not plagued by the health loss. Try to get your Wilderness to around 14-16, and your expertise as high as you can, but no lower than 12. Put your marksmanship as low as you can to suit the bow that you're carrying too, as you need the skill points for trapping-related attributes.
Step 2: Skill Set. You should have all damage traps. To me healing spring is kind of pointless, so don't bring it, plus you'll need the other slots. Coordinate with your teammates as to who brings what. One person should bring favorable winds, one should bring quickening zephyr, and one should bring energizing wind. Monk secondary's should bring Rebirth. Whoever is pulling, and there should be only ONE puller should bring whirling defense. Then bring troll, and throw dirt. DO NOT BRING A PET!
Step 3: Execution. This is so simple and yet so many people screw it up. Pick a choke point where you can herd enemies and form a line. Lay all your traps 3 to 4 times based on party size. 8 people is way too many. 6 is the most common number although with a competent group Underworld is very doable with 4. Form a line of rituals BEHIND the traps as they will give bonuses and tank for you. If you want to get really technical about it, have someone keep time as traps expire after 90 seconds, so if you wait until about 60-70 seconds you will get the maximum effect out of your traps. Then the puller, using whirling defense should herd one group of enemies and bring them through the line of traps. Everyone else should get back behind the nature rituals. If any enemies are still alive, let the rituals tank and run up beside them and continue trapping. Use a combination of throw dirt, whirling defense, and dust trap to keep them blinded and then just wear them down with your other traps. The point is to let the traps do all the work, although sometimes, especially with the aatxes, you will have to do a little fighting. Note: This is NOT the case with smites. If the puller herds them until they are basically one dot on the map they will all die when the hit the traps. To do this run up to them, use whirling, let the entire group come to you and then run toward the traps. Poof, magic.
I hope this was helpful, I have been in groups with the biggest idiots I have ever seen in my life the last week. So if you're a competent trapper, please seek me out, my name's Neeko Everett.
How to trap...