Something bugging me about Faction's armour.
Not the new armour, just the chapter 1 stuff. Will there be chapter 2 versions? Oriental versions, basically? I didn't play anything other than assassin during the preview, so I wouldn't know.
Highly doubt it. That would require alot of extra work on A-Nets part.
Yea. I wouldn't put it past them however. After all, western style armour in an oriental style world... be a bit naff. Of course, that would be if the armour was even craftable in Canthia...
Upgraded my necro's armor (N/A) during the weekend preview, and it looked just like the stuff you get in Tyria.
Zaxan Razor
Not sure what you meant exactly..but there was canthan gladiators armor available..
I think that there should be armors like that, because then chap 2 wont be such a monotonny. There should also be fow comparable/ 15k armors that look other way, too. Maybe they could have the same attributes(+ the extra ones from preview, ex. sentinels) but they definetly should have a beter , or at least other look. Gw should be thinking serious on that, because then they will gain more clients, since both chapters are diffrent from each other, not only by skills and classes.
Originally Posted by Zaxan Razor
Not sure what you meant exactly..but there was canthan gladiators armor available..
the textures on the new armours look to be slightly higher res, which is nice, though it was only close up that i saw that the low fidelity textures really make some armours, particularly 15k monk look plain awful. I'm actually happier with the less 'fussy' 1.5k armours as they have less detailing and don't thereby suffer.
Someone posted a screenshot of a crafter dialog which implied (but did not prove) that there IS a Cantha version of the various Chapter 1 armors. So, I'm keeping my fingers crossed. On the other hand, I wouldn't bet any money on it.
Not sure what it is you are asking. But during the preview weekend there was armor from each faction that was labeled and equal to those of the Chapter 1.
I played a Ranger and I got her 1.5k Kurzick Druids that has the same stats as Droks 1.5k Druids armor.
Here's an image showing the two 1.5K armors side by side.
I played a Ranger and I got her 1.5k Kurzick Druids that has the same stats as Droks 1.5k Druids armor.
Here's an image showing the two 1.5K armors side by side.