Some Guild Questions about Factions
Hired Blade
I see that guilds are picking side LUX or KUZ, So a guild has to be for one or the other? Plus if you are in or making an alliance do all have to be for same side? How do u get points for your side, is it 10,000 normaly pvp faction points =20 points for Lux Or Kuz. I would Really apreciate any info on this, or if u know an article that answers these questions please put a link here
Based on how it worked over the fpe weekend, an alliance (which can be only one guild) MAY choose a side. When you choose a side you MAY donate faction towards your side, but not the other anymore unless you switch alliegances. From FPE 5k = roughly 10 points of standing, and 10k = roughly 20 points yes. Also, the points have 'degen' on them, meaning they go away with time. I had traded in 20k and we had 40 points for example, today I think its about 18. This means you must keep earning to maintain the same standing within the faction and most likely you'll want to keep increasing it, so it will be a tightrope balance between earning faction and farming for most guilds/alliances in order to keep up with the joneses.