i see ppl saying sickles are a rare skin is that true and if so what are thay worth thanks
Former Ruling
Sickles arent all that Rare just in any form. (EDIT: to give an example...they drop like Candy in the jungle regions)
Whats rare (nonexistent?) is a Good Dmg Sickle.
I think 6-24ish is the highest anyway has seen, and only white/blue/purple ones, no gold.
Ones in that higher range are 100k+, if you ever find one thats gold/max dmg you'd be a multi-millionaire in about 2 minutes.
Ones that are just average (under that range i gave) are...merchant food.
Whats rare (nonexistent?) is a Good Dmg Sickle.
I think 6-24ish is the highest anyway has seen, and only white/blue/purple ones, no gold.
Ones in that higher range are 100k+, if you ever find one thats gold/max dmg you'd be a multi-millionaire in about 2 minutes.
Ones that are just average (under that range i gave) are...merchant food.
Fred Kiwi
They are a rare skin. People only buy them if they are >6-20
so a 6-19 req6 enchn 10% longer is no good then ?
Nah most likely not.
Former Ruling
its good for its merchant cost lol.
Its its higher end dmg isnt in the mid-20s just merchant it..its owrthless.
Its its higher end dmg isnt in the mid-20s just merchant it..its owrthless.
ok next question are sephis axes anything special ?
about the same answer would aply
Manic Smile
but worth much less
a couple perfect ones exists
but if you do get a max dmg req 7-8 15 alwasy or above 50 again you're gonna be real rich
a couple perfect ones exists
but if you do get a max dmg req 7-8 15 alwasy or above 50 again you're gonna be real rich
Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by Former Ruling
I think 6-24ish is the highest anyway has seen ---
Ones in that higher range are 100k+ |
I can understand it too - yeah, it's rare, yeah, it looks cool, but it's also not as good as a cheaper axe.
I have a sickle, a sephis axe and a tribal axe,
all 3 low dmg. I equip them when im not attacking just for the looks
all 3 low dmg. I equip them when im not attacking just for the looks
Arya Nibelrund
Highest dmg sickle that was ever found as far as i know is a 6-27. There are a few perfect sephis axes around so they're not that special anymore.
Wrath Of Dragons
find a perfect one, then when all those people laugh at your cheapass green, call out your weapon
Originally Posted by Numa Pompilius
People don't seem to want them, though. I tried selling a 6-24 sickle in LA1 yesterday, and no-one even gave me any dirty offers.
I can understand it too - yeah, it's rare, yeah, it looks cool, but it's also not as good as a cheaper axe. |
It's a sickle deseign, it's 15^50, it's 10/10 sundering, it's +30hp. When you can get that for 20-25k, the demand for a non max damage sickle kinda drops.
Former Ruling
As with any higher end just for the skin thing...You might have to spam a week to sell it, but it'd sell.
ok now i just found a tribal axe 6-16 req 4 that anygood
Former Ruling
Like Sickle, you have to have HIGH dmgs to be any worth.
Like Sickle, you have to have HIGH dmgs to be any worth.
so is there a list showing all the rare skins and what stats thay need to be worth anything oh and search aint working again
Numa Pompilius
Originally Posted by Former Ruling
As with any higher end just for the skin thing...You might have to spam a week to sell it, but it'd sell.
Maybe it'd be different if people could see your weapon in town.
Originally Posted by A_Muppet
Two words: Victo's Axe.
It's a sickle deseign, it's 15^50, it's 10/10 sundering, it's +30hp. When you can get that for 20-25k, the demand for a non max damage sickle kinda drops. |
(shrugs) I find there isn't really much choice for axes, due to the way the skills operate. The only useful ones (generally) are 10/10 sundering, Furious ideally, or Cruel, to lengthen the deep wound of eviserate. Zealous is not too bad in combat though. Barbed is a bit naff, as only desperation blow can make an axe do bleeding, and poison is a specialist. Heavy can be handy for axe twist, but even so....
Imo, sundering is basically the best of a bad job-even zealous is pretty specialised imo.
Imo, sundering is basically the best of a bad job-even zealous is pretty specialised imo.
Numa Pompilius
All my axes are Zealous. The only upgrade worth having, IMO, apart from +5 armor (or +7 vs physical, for farming).
sickles are still worth money, but anything less than 24 seems to be of no friend got a purple 6-27 and sold it for 500k within 10 minutes. They still have value, it just depends on what dmg it is and who wants it :P But yes, any max dmg sickle no matter what the color, will sell for 1 mil minimum. If you were to find a gold max dmg sickle, you would have a good 5 mil in your posession. If that was 15^50.....20-30 easy :0
Jiao Yang
purple 6-27 is worth way more than 500k imo.
I would think your best chance of getting a gold one is from a Maguuma chest- since Sickles drop around there.
I would think your best chance of getting a gold one is from a Maguuma chest- since Sickles drop around there.
Ole Man Bourbon
Funny, the "sickle" skin looks nothing like a sickle. It looks like a two-sided axe to me. An accurate sickle skin would be sweet.
BTW, think Grim Reaper for what a true sickle looks like.
BTW, think Grim Reaper for what a true sickle looks like.
Ulivious The Reaper
isn't that a SCYTHE, a sickle is more of a battlepick kinda skin
Just Another Dude
A sickle is whats on the russian flag, a scythe is what the "Grim Reaper" type weapon is
They've finally got it right in Factions though:
Now THAT's a sickle!
Originally Posted by Hockster
Now THAT's a sickle!
Lol nice one on the Factions sickle ^^
Still, IMO a Serpent Axe still looks better.
Still, IMO a Serpent Axe still looks better.