Razor Axe VS Victo Axe
Hello ppl, I just want to know which is the best axe between Razor and Victo. Thanks for the answers
Plazma Knight
Victor Axe 100% better
Phoenix Arrows
I would say the Razorstone for damage, and Victo's Battle Axe for a balance of damage and defense (well, not really defense, but health).
I would go to Razorstone personally, as, like Savio likes to say, "SUNDERING SUCKS!". Sundering doesn't suck that much, but it isn't that good. Furious isn't that great either. But the Razorstone is probably cheaper and better.
EDIT: Ooopz took too long to post
I would go to Razorstone personally, as, like Savio likes to say, "SUNDERING SUCKS!". Sundering doesn't suck that much, but it isn't that good. Furious isn't that great either. But the Razorstone is probably cheaper and better.
EDIT: Ooopz took too long to post
neither are great... but if you had to choose between one or the other... Razorstone gets my vote