Shut down idea, feedback pls

What if...

What if...

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Jan 2006


I've playing around with a build for a while and would like to get some feedback on it from the rest of the GW community.

I realize the primary is ranger, but outside of the primary attribute and one skill, the rest is mesmer based.

16 expertise

10 Domination

Rest goes to inspiration

Distracting shot
Arcane echo
Echo [E]
Power Spike/Power Leak
Power Drain
Res Sig

This build would play a specific role in GVG or some HOH battles. As you can see this build has zero dmg potential but specializes in long-term shut down. Blackout is a spell, not a hex and therefore can't be removed. Rotating echo and arcane echo allows you to circumvent the blackout recharge time and you've got plenty of interrupts to stop unwanted third party intervention or ruin a crucial spell/skill. Expertise also cuts down the energy investment on all these skills to about half of their normal cost. I would like to put in cry of frustration to stop coordinated spike teams, but I don't know what to remove. Feedback and suggestions are welcomed, you can be a bit brutal, and I won't mind.



Perfectly Elocuted

Join Date: Sep 2005

Not wanting to discourage thinking outside the box. But Expertise doesn't work on 'Spells', just 'Skills'.

A Leprechaun

A Leprechaun

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006


sry to dampen your spirits but blackout is actually a skill which means no echo or archane ehco

Francis Demeules

Francis Demeules

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

Canada, Qc



Only 2 skills for the expertise thats all (distracting shot and blackout). The rest is spell and Expertise doesn't work with spells.



Perfectly Elocuted

Join Date: Sep 2005

Originally Posted by A Leprechaun
sry to dampen your spirits but blackout is actually a skill which means no echo or archane ehco

Doesn't echo work with all skills thus elite?

Francis Demeules

Francis Demeules

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

Canada, Qc



Originally Posted by SnipiousMax
Doesn't echo work with all skills thus elite?
Echo [E] works with any skills (Except Capture Signet). Arcane echo is spell only.



No power in the verse

Join Date: Sep 2005

San Francisco, CA

Originally Posted by A Leprechaun
sry to dampen your spirits but blackout is actually a skill which means no echo or archane ehco
Echo+blackout works, but arcane echo (since this affects spells only) does not work with it.

Son of Urza

Son of Urza

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

I'm the guy right behind you staring through your head . . . .


Actually, there is a convoluted way to use arcane echo to copy skills. Basically, hit Arcane Echo, then hit Echo. Arcane echo will turn into echo, which can copy any skill. Then, hit the skill you want to copy, and Echo will copy it. Then, hit Arcane Echo-turned Echo, and hit the Echo copy. Then you can use the copy from the arcane echo turned echo, and you will have 3 copies of any skill on your bar.

Francis Demeules

Francis Demeules

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jan 2006

Canada, Qc



Originally Posted by Son of Urza
Actually, there is a convoluted way to use arcane echo to copy skills. Basically, hit Arcane Echo, then hit Echo. Arcane echo will turn into echo, which can copy any skill. Then, hit the skill you want to copy, and Echo will copy it. Then, hit Arcane Echo-turned Echo, and hit the Echo copy. Then you can use the copy from the arcane echo turned echo, and you will have 3 copies of any skill on your bar.
And lost over 25 energy to make 3 Blackout

leeky baby

leeky baby

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Nov 2005

Surrey University

Starting to play again... need a guild


try this...

glyph of rewnal
power drain
ward agaist foes
leach signet//cry of fustration

if u want to totally shut down a monk so they will not cast anything run this much more fun then e-denail.

oviously u dont need ward agaist foes or second intupt but thats what i was running at the time because with rewnal you can keep ward agaist foes up almost constally with 8 earth

try it in HA great fun


Son of Urza

Son of Urza

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

I'm the guy right behind you staring through your head . . . .


Originally Posted by Francis Demeules
And lost over 25 energy to make 3 Blackout
I didn't say it was energy efficient, did I? The total cost of the echoes is 25 energy, 5 energy more than the typical echo-arcane echo spell copy.

If you're going to bother with 3 copies of any skill, I prefer something really nasty, like 3 copies of debilitating shot, or 3 diversions with Wastrel's Worry spam.



Academy Page

Join Date: Jun 2005


I want to know why Diversion, because it costs 3 secs to cast, guess you will got interrupted while casting. Maybe you will need Domination wand/offhand to help you.

Hella Good

Hella Good

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Oct 2005

None, free and clear

I use Distortion and Diversion and high fast-cast on my Diversion builds.

Terra Xin

Terra Xin

Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Mar 2006

New Zealand


Diversion takes about half the time with maxed fast casting, that's when it becomes useful... I get bored waiting 3 seconds... lol.

I tried a triple casting arcane thievery once... It was so cool having 3 random spells. It was until I randomply (and unluckily) stole duplicates of the same spell that I realised there was a problem.

I'd place priority with domination over expertise, you're saving energy, but... 7 seconds is better than 5