I realize the primary is ranger, but outside of the primary attribute and one skill, the rest is mesmer based.
16 expertise
10 Domination
Rest goes to inspiration
Distracting shot
Arcane echo
Echo [E]
Power Spike/Power Leak
Power Drain
Res Sig
This build would play a specific role in GVG or some HOH battles. As you can see this build has zero dmg potential but specializes in long-term shut down. Blackout is a spell, not a hex and therefore can't be removed. Rotating echo and arcane echo allows you to circumvent the blackout recharge time and you've got plenty of interrupts to stop unwanted third party intervention or ruin a crucial spell/skill. Expertise also cuts down the energy investment on all these skills to about half of their normal cost. I would like to put in cry of frustration to stop coordinated spike teams, but I don't know what to remove. Feedback and suggestions are welcomed, you can be a bit brutal, and I won't mind.