Yeah might have been suggested before, but I was unable to find it from here. Just link to it if it has been, so I can read what was said about it.
As it is now, some people use the reserved status timing out for their advantage, waiting for the loot to become available for all and then grabbing it when whoever was supposed to have it was unable to get it for themselves.
Reading Gaile Gray's chat log where she mentions vote kicking and possible item stealing because of this, it just got me thinking why not remove the timing out of reserved status?
Make it so that when an item is dropped for certain player, it is for that player only and no one else. No reserve timing out and the item should disappear completely if the player who it was assigned to leaves the area. Would certainly fix the item stealing.
Reserved status on drops
Kool Pajamas
But half the fun of questing is picking up people's leftovers after they map out.

I did get to ask Gaile if there's ever going to be a change for the reserved status of drops to prevent stealing:
Suppose they have something in mind for fixing it.
Suppose they have something in mind for fixing it.
Vote kicking would be abused to hell.. Imagine joining a guild group for THK. Right before you finish the mission, they all vote to kick you, laugh and finish while you are stuck having to do it all over again. I think the reserved drops stuff is perfectly fine right now. Sure there are dicks who abuse it, but there will ALWAYS be dicks abusing everything.. You just have to deal with it.
What happens if you are dead, but a guild member can guard or get your item if they have no res? Or perhaps a way to get your item when you're dead would be helpful as well.
Hunter Sharparrow
I couldn't find anything either although I was sure there was something. Maybe have it so when an item drops it is permanently assigned to a person. If that person logs off, gets booted from GW or has their computer restart on them the items that were assigned to them become free for anyone. If the person leaves the group to go to town they recieve a box of all the items assigned to them where they may chose the ones they want and close the box on all the rest. Closing the box on the rest would make the rest free for anyone who is still in the area. Although it may be strange to see items assigned to someone who left the party then see items disappear while some become unassigned all of a sudden. If you are in an area that sends you back to an outpost you should get the box if your party dies too not just when you win (Is it like that already? can't remember at the moment). Not just for missions that send you back to an outpost but for places like the UW and Fow also.
Or possibly just a menu where you can see all the items reserved for you currently in play, and if you dont want them, unreserve them for yourself to either freebies, or reserving for another player.
So maybe your dead but you dont particuarly want that orange dye, the whole team is about to bite the big one, and someone is begging for the orange ye becuae they dream of looking like David Dickinson (UK pun), then you can assign it for them so they can finally get that spray tan they always wanted
So maybe your dead but you dont particuarly want that orange dye, the whole team is about to bite the big one, and someone is begging for the orange ye becuae they dream of looking like David Dickinson (UK pun), then you can assign it for them so they can finally get that spray tan they always wanted
lol at jamie
i know exactly who/what you mean...
well, why not have the reserved drop system work as normal over 80% of the game world map...
but once you go to the desert areas, the sorows forge and hall of heroes type places, plus the fire isles, make deops that are blue and upwards permanantly assigned to a charater.
so, you dont want that tatty looking blue wand? simple pick it up and then drop it again while everyone is wandering about picking up between the hordes of critters....if someone wants it, they can now pick it up.
if the items are there and you are dead and cannot pick them up, they go into a box like overflow items and once oyu arrive back at the town/outpost, you can now pick em up....
oh, for those that are no UK....Mr Dickinson has a very orange looking fake tan...his face looks like that guy on a show where his wife was cheating, so when he mixed his vitamines up and got carot orange face, she didnt say a word lol^^ *edit* well he's not quite as bad now, thoguh, now i think on it ^^ he just looks like he fake tanned as normal...maybe his big bottle of *Tan-U-Nu* ranout
or...those young, inexperianced girls that dont know how to match their foundation to their skin color, or are taught to do it that might have sen them on shows that take the micky out of beauty therapy^^ with a huge slaping of make up on ^^

well, why not have the reserved drop system work as normal over 80% of the game world map...
but once you go to the desert areas, the sorows forge and hall of heroes type places, plus the fire isles, make deops that are blue and upwards permanantly assigned to a charater.
so, you dont want that tatty looking blue wand? simple pick it up and then drop it again while everyone is wandering about picking up between the hordes of critters....if someone wants it, they can now pick it up.
if the items are there and you are dead and cannot pick them up, they go into a box like overflow items and once oyu arrive back at the town/outpost, you can now pick em up....
oh, for those that are no UK....Mr Dickinson has a very orange looking fake tan...his face looks like that guy on a show where his wife was cheating, so when he mixed his vitamines up and got carot orange face, she didnt say a word lol^^ *edit* well he's not quite as bad now, thoguh, now i think on it ^^ he just looks like he fake tanned as normal...maybe his big bottle of *Tan-U-Nu* ranout

or...those young, inexperianced girls that dont know how to match their foundation to their skin color, or are taught to do it that might have sen them on shows that take the micky out of beauty therapy^^ with a huge slaping of make up on ^^
Have been in extended battles, doing my best to contribute to victory only to see someone running around grabbing items after the reserve timed out ..... while the battle was still going on!
/signed, for sure
/signed, for sure
Gaile was talking about making it so that if someone is kicked, they can choose to keep all items stil lassigned to them, like when you complete a mission and you have the unclaimed items you can take.