Playstyle: The Witch has the oomph of the elementalist with a style mixing that of necromancer and mesmer. Hexes with long durations and some big effects. In battle, the Witch won't typically be spamming skills, but picking her time and unleashing potent effects.
Demon Leather - 60 AL, reduces hex duration on you by 7% per piece worn.
Nocturne Garb - 70 AL, hexes cast on you last 7% longer, per piece worn.
Silver Lace Garb - 60 AL, + to energy.
- Black Magic - Primary Attribute. When you cast a hex on a foe, you deal X damage. X is based on the cost of the spell and the number of points in this attribute. Black Magic is the Witch support line, offering many stances affecting spells and energy/hex management.
- Alteration Magic - These spells alter how you and your foes operate. It's about buffs and debuffs.
- Moon Magic - These spells deal damage and create portals, which have varied effects.
- Transformation - Change yourself into another creature with a different skillset. Includes some hexes.
Skill examples:
- Focus - Stance. For 1...60 seconds, You gain +2 energy regeneration while casting spells. This ends when you move. (10-0-30, Black Magic)
- Occlude - Hex. This lasts for 15...45 seconds. If removed prematurely, the target loses an enchantment. (5-3-15, Black Magic)
- Muddle - Hex. For 5...25 seconds, Hexed foe has his skill order randomized. (5-1-25, Alteration Magic)
- Twist Spell - Hex. For 5...8 seconds, the next skill target foe uses can affect allies in the area. If that skill creates a ritual, trap or creature, that object is neutral and can affect allies. (15-1-30, Alteration Magic)
- Silver Scythes - Enchantment. Creates three scythes that rotate in the area around enchanted ally. These scythes can strike up to three times, and deal 5...30 damage each time they do. (25-2-15, Moon Magic)
- Wolf's Gate - Portal. Creates a portal that summons one level 1...6 wolf every three seconds. This portal lasts for 6...24 seconds, and all wolves perish when this ends. (25-3-30, Moon Magic)
- Mask of the Ogre - For 30 seconds, you transform into a level 1...20 ogre with three hammer skills, a 25% reduction in movement speed and an immunity to earth magic.(25-2-60, Transformation Magic)
- Guise of the Gargoyle - For 30 seconds, you transform into a level 1...20 gargoyle with a ranged attack and an immunity to speed debuffs. (15-2-60, Transformation Magic)
Playstyle: The Dark Knight is a melee character with a solid mesh of spellcasting and combat.
Armor of Wrath: 80 AL, +20 AL when attacking.
Armor of Pride: 90 AL, enchantments cast on you end 7% sooner.
Armor of Blood: 55 AL, you get +2 health regeneration. (up to +5 with full set)
- Blademagic: Primary Attribute. Attribute points in Blademagic allow you to attack and move at a reduced rate while casting spells. Blademagic skills include a number of stances that boost your capabilities.
- Rune Magic: Runes act much like an Elementalist's glyphs, but take more time to cast, and offer a benefit while they remain unused.
- Hell Magic: Enchantments that offer you a benefit at a price and some potent AoE attacks.
- Weapon Mastery: Includes some attack skills. Has the passive benefit of allowing you to meet weapon requirement levels.
- Dance of Blades - Stance. For 20 seconds, you get +1...6 your Blademagic attribute, for the purposes of passive benefits only. (5-0-20)
- Masochism - Stance. For 20 seconds, you gain health for having negative health degeneration and lose health for having positive health regeneration. When this ends, you go to 50% health. (10-0-45, Blademagic)
- Skull Rune - Rune. For 30 seconds, Undead deal 75% damage to you while you are under the effect of this rune. The next spell you cast deals 15...35 damage to the target. (5-5-30)
- Rune of Rhymes - Rune. For 30 seconds, you gain +1 energy regeneration while not moving, attacking or using a skill. The next spell you cast on an ally grants the effects of this rune. (5-5-30)
- Avarice - Enchantment. For 20 seconds, enchantments and hexes cast on you last 150...250% longer. (10-2-25, Hell Magic)
- Armaggedon - Spell. Deals 25...75 damage to each ally and enemy in the region. (20-10-60, Hell Magic) -- (That's whole radar map)
- Doom's Blade - Attack Skill. You may use this attack while casting a spell. If you do, your attack does +5...25 damage. (5-1-8, Weapon Mastery)
- Envy's Blade - Attack skill. This attack deals +1...12 damage. If attacked foe has an enchantment, you gain a copy of that enchantment. (5-1-20, Weapon Mastery)