Hey guys, just wondering if you can all help me out here, although its not related to GW this is the only place i can think ofwhere somebody oculd help.
Last wekeend I came home for easter break, and the wireless network I set up over Xmas worked fine, laptop connected as soon a i switched it on. and everything was all goovey.
Now however I can barely even make my network live, let alone share the internet, so I cant use my laptop. Does anybody know how i can make it share the internet, when the network does work (which it isnt at the moment) all I can do is fileshare, and not even that right as it snot set up on the desktop here, so I have a network, but theres no internet going accross.
Occasionally in my connections it will show the Internet Gateway thru the desktop, but still refuses to work, even when there are numbers in the packets section and not the words Unavailable, grrrr.
Any help assistance would be greatly appreciated, if somebody knows what they are doing i'll pass them my tech specs.
NON GW specific Tech help please - Wireless Network
Blade Rez
No doubt you've already tried to reset your internet connection. If all else fails from what people will tell you try this.
This will reset all the sockets and internet things in your computer. There is a command in CMD that does this too I just forget it, and I don't like to see the black screen of DOS heheh.
Also, see if you can connect through other computers to your network, to find out if it's your laptop's, or your networks problem
This will reset all the sockets and internet things in your computer. There is a command in CMD that does this too I just forget it, and I don't like to see the black screen of DOS heheh.
Also, see if you can connect through other computers to your network, to find out if it's your laptop's, or your networks problem
So are you wanting to setup it so that anything on the network connects through one specific computer or do have a wireless router or what? If you have a router you should be able to have everything connect through that and not have to worry about another computer. Are you using an encryption key? Are you using a firewall? Exactly how many computers are on this network--a laptop and a desktop PC? These are things that would be helpful to know, as well as any other technical information you're willing to provide.
Have you been able to connect to another wifi slot such as a public wifi, school, etc?
Well i managed to get it working.
After all my messing around I decided to roll everything back to a week ago when i got home and it worked. looking at the logs of what had changed it seems somebody messed aorund with the friewall settings and closed the DNS ports so nothing could connect via the PC to the internet.
After all my messing around I decided to roll everything back to a week ago when i got home and it worked. looking at the logs of what had changed it seems somebody messed aorund with the friewall settings and closed the DNS ports so nothing could connect via the PC to the internet.