Please Help Explain


Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006

Lords of Good and Evil [LGE]


Im an Idiot, so you have to explain as simple as possible... does the req level of a sword work in conjunction with the level of swordsmanship a person has
????... ie; does a level 10 swordsman do more damage with a req level 7 sword than they would with a req level 8 sword?


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Jan 2006


Nope but your attributes play in with dmg of your sword ex:swords req. 10 you should have atleast 10 attriubutes in swordsmanshop to be able to do max dmg

Murder In China

Murder In China


Join Date: Sep 2005


Looking for one


A warrior with 10 Swordsmanship would do more damage than a warrior with 7 Swordsmanship if they both used a Sword requring 8 Swordsmanship.

You need 12 points in Swordsmanship to do stated damage on the Sword.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Feb 2006


The Agony Scene


The req is the minimum level of that attribute you need to use the weapon to its full potential. But if you have say lvl 10 swordsmanship and wield a req 4, you won't get any special bonuses.



Ascalonian Squire

Join Date: Mar 2006

Lords of Good and Evil [LGE]


ok, but, a level 10 swordsman will do more damage with a req 7 sword than a level 7 swordsman right?


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006

North Carolina


Not necessarily. He will have a higher probability for critical hits but if the sword is say 12-20 req. 7 and you have level 10 swordsmanship you still do 12-20 base damage. the only real damage boost comes into play when you start calculating critical hits into the mix.

konohamaru heaven

konohamaru heaven

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005

Some where in Cantha beyond the Petrified Forest and the Jade Sea

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It takes 12 ranks in a weapon attribute to do 100% damage displayed on the weapon. The only time this does not apply is if the requirement is 13 then you have to have 13 to get the full damage and the extra damage from going above 12.

An example would be a Sword that has a requirement of 7 and a sword with a requirement of 10. Both swords damage modifers are identicle if the attribute is set at 10 (to meet the requirement of the higher sword) both swords will do identical damage.

Level also effects damage on monsters a higher level player will do more damage to a lower level monster due to the level difference (this also increases the number of critical hits as well) and a player fighting a higher level monster will do less damage.


Flame Bait

Join Date: Mar 2005



Originally Posted by Malvagit
ok, but, a level 10 swordsman will do more damage with a req 7 sword than a level 7 swordsman right?
Yes this is true the higher attibute level your swordsmanship the more damage you do.

Originally Posted by Str0b0
Not necessarily. He will have a higher probability for critical hits but if the sword is say 12-20 req. 7 and you have level 10 swordsmanship you still do 12-20 base damage. the only real damage boost comes into play when you start calculating critical hits into the mix.
This is only half true your attribute level in swordmanship affects both critical and damage done by weapon. A Warrior with 10 or 7 swordmanship will do less than the stated damage on the weapon. According to this Page A warrior with only 7 Swordmanship will do only 65% of the stated damage while a warrior with 10 will do about 84%.



Forge Runner

Join Date: Nov 2005


Odin's Hammer [OH] - Servant's of Fortuna [SoF]


the higher your attribute the more damage YOU will do while wielding a weapon of that attribute (ex swords). If you have equal or greater value in you attribute compared to the requirement of the weapon then you will deal the listed damage of the weapon (higher damage weapons generally have higher requirements). However if your attibute is 10, and you have 2 swords that are exactly equal except one has a requirement of 7 and the other 10, they will deal the same damage. So in this sense requirement plays no role.
If you have a lower attribute than that required for the weapon, you will deal 'base damage' (usually 3-5) plus whatever your current attribute level modifiers are if any. If you are wielding a -weapon- with a requirement you do not meet the only thing that will be affected is the damage output, mods are unaffected (offhand focus items are a little different).

Maria The Princess

Maria The Princess

Forge Runner

Join Date: Mar 2006

Aequitas Deis

the weapon will not do more pure damage, but what will change is the damage that you do when use skills (example :shoot arrow that does +? damage) more points you got in same attribute, more damage you will do with that skill



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Aug 2005

Originally Posted by Maria The Princess
the weapon will not do more pure damage, but what will change is the damage that you do when use skills (example :shoot arrow that does +? damage) more points you got in same attribute, more damage you will do with that skill
Wrong. The weapon will do more damage on ordinary hits as well.

To answer the original question as clearly as possible: as long as you meet the requirement of a weapon, it doesn't matter what it is. There is no bonus for exceeding the requirement. (Having a high weapon attribute increases the damage and crit rate, but this has nothing to do with the requirement.)