Hey, Prob worng fourm but here goes nothing.
I have been running people from LA to Seabord. Its a easy run but people pay 200 each. I have made 1K in 20 Mins.
Just wanna know if you all thing it is a easy run, If i chage to much ect, ect.
Running Question
Lord Iowerth
Proper forum would be Q&A, but in answer to your questions:
Yes, it's a fairly easy run and your prices seem fine.
My concern would be that it's not a very popular run. You might try doing Beacon's Perch to LA, or LA-ToA for a bit more profit.
Yes, it's a fairly easy run and your prices seem fine.
My concern would be that it's not a very popular run. You might try doing Beacon's Perch to LA, or LA-ToA for a bit more profit.
Swinging Fists
Um yeah, it's easy. I'm not sure I'd even call it a "Run". More like a stroll. I remember a few weeks ago, very late at night with my friends, I was offering runs from LA to Seaboard for 6k as a joke. But I guess some people will pay to be run there. If you can get 200 / person, I'd say that's pretty good, for you that is, if you can't find a better way to make $.
I'm not sure why people would want to be run there, though. Seems to me that Seaboard is just a mission location that nobody is going to do unless they are fighting their way through the game. In which case, why pay for a run? What do you encounter on the way there, like 6 fire imps ?
I'm not sure why people would want to be run there, though. Seems to me that Seaboard is just a mission location that nobody is going to do unless they are fighting their way through the game. In which case, why pay for a run? What do you encounter on the way there, like 6 fire imps ?
There are three other forums you could have posted in: Q&A, Tyrian Explorers' League, or Price Check. The discussion forum is not where you post every type of thread. Closed.