hey, my question isent that huge (i think O.o).. simply: What is kiteing ? or kite or wtf its called :S seen it a few times on the forums and im still wondering what it is.
(I tryed screach but it dont work most of the time, and when i got it to work then i couldent really find any posts with an explanation about what it is..)
"Kite" wth is that ?
to put it simply, kiting is running away without actually running away. when you see a warrior running at you (in pvp) and you're a caster or ranger, you turn around and run away. that way, the warrior's DPS is cut down to about half and your teammates then gets a better chance of saving you.
Kiting is basically keeping an enemy at range, moving back then attacking, moving back and then attacking. It looks almost like you are flying the enemy like a kite, keeping them at the extreme end of that tether until they die.
What moriz said. The name came about because the warrior trailing behind you makes it look like you're flying a kite.
Beginning to run before a warrior gets close enough to hit you is sometimes called pre-kiting.
edit: Oh, I should add that turning your back to kite a warrior is a bad idea, except in the pre-kiting case. Getting hit in the back with a melee attack, while running, means a guaranteed critical - so try to run sideways when there's a warrior on you.
Beginning to run before a warrior gets close enough to hit you is sometimes called pre-kiting.
edit: Oh, I should add that turning your back to kite a warrior is a bad idea, except in the pre-kiting case. Getting hit in the back with a melee attack, while running, means a guaranteed critical - so try to run sideways when there's a warrior on you.
Ah thanks for the info and fast answers.. (Sry about not seeing the stickey, meh, i guess the first thing to become blind on is the eyes)
thanks again,
thanks again,