ok eat, eat me...
Dude, if you're using Lightning Reflexes on a warrior, you clearly have no clue at all. In fact, your whole post lacks logic or any sense with no argument to back it up. Please stop posting.
Well lets see, the only skill I currently have to increase my attack speed is Frenzy (I don't use my warrior often) so I can use that and take double damage or i can use Lightning Reflexes and get the increase in attack speet and have 75% chance to evade attacks. Man tough one...not sure what I want, take double damage or evade attacks. I could get "I will Avenge You!" but that requires dead allies first so I couldn't use it from the start. It would be nice as a back up but not to begin a fight with. Berserker Stance would be a good starter, I would have to say it is equal to Lightning Reflexes and which one I use would depent on the situation. Will I need the bonus adrenaline or will I need a way to avoid skills like distracting shot or distracting blow to be able to use my skills? Actually Frenzy, IWAY, and Berserker Stance are the only warrior skills (minus elites) that allow you to attack at a faster speed and none of them allow you to block or evade any % of attacks. As for apply poison..take apply poison and use it with sever artery and you got some serious hp degen that will last for a decent amount of time (even though it only works on flesh enemies). I could also get a pet and not just supply a party with one tank but rather two tanks. So with that you are mistaken and are the one without a clue.
If expertise did what it said it does and nothing more than the only none ranger skills it would have an affect on are the attack skills. So for a R/W the warrior attack skills (aside from the adrenaline ones) use only 5 energy so the expertise that only would bring them down to 3. A whole two points. Sure it adds up with the more energy you have but a ranger has more than enough energy to handle the warrior's 5 energy attack skills so if they were to make energy storage affect the ranger skills only it really won't even make a minor difference. I would just rather see it do what the description said nothing more nothing less.
Let me get this straight. YOU make a post with no "logic or any sense" and "with no argument to back it up" as to why I have no clue at all, telling me that my post has no logic or any sense.....and the such...Can you be any more of a juvenile, hypocritical, delinquent?