Why buy Chapter1 if you have Factions?
Cassie McKnight
Factions has all this new stuff, you can chose from 2 more classes ect. What does Prophesies(Chapter1) have that factions does'nt?
Do you have to be in a guild to play any of the new missions?
Do you have to be in a guild to play any of the new missions?
Originally Posted by Cassie McKnight
Factions has all this new stuff, you can chose from 2 more classes ect. What does Prophesies(Chapter1) have that factions does'nt?
Do you have to be in a guild to play any of the new missions? |
Phaern Majes
Fissure of Woe, Tombs, Underworld, Sorrow's Furnace, Ascalon, Lion's Arch, etc, etc, etc...... + all the quests and missions in Chapter 1. Man looks like Factions won't have a ton of stuff Chapter 1 has. Sorry I just like to point out the obvious. 
As far as PvP goes, I think Factions will have more than Chapter 1. And I'm pretty sure you can still go guildless if you so desire. There is supposed to be special content for alliances that do well, which would require joining a guild.
As far as PvP goes, I think Factions will have more than Chapter 1. And I'm pretty sure you can still go guildless if you so desire. There is supposed to be special content for alliances that do well, which would require joining a guild.
factions won't have access to all of prophecies unless you have it and join it.
The PvP arenas are available to both Chapters. Thats why they seperated it.
If you care about PvE, then Prophesies has an entire other world full of places, creatures, and quests to explore.
If you don't care about that stuff, then you'll probably still care about the skills. Some of my very favorite (and most popular) skills won't be available to a Factions-only player, and I can't imagine trying to PvP (or play anything, for that matter) without them.
If you don't care about that stuff, then you'll probably still care about the skills. Some of my very favorite (and most popular) skills won't be available to a Factions-only player, and I can't imagine trying to PvP (or play anything, for that matter) without them.
pve = more content
pvp = more skills
both are enough of a reason to go out and get both if you like playing GW
pve = more content
pvp = more skills
both are enough of a reason to go out and get both if you like playing GW
Because Guild Wars is awesome!
Because Guild Wars is awesome!
We won't know till we have Factions.
Gaile Gray
Why buy Prophecies? Aside from the large number of skills, I can think of several persuasive arguments: Kingdom of Ascalon, Shiverpeaks, Kryta, Maguuma Jungle, Fire Island Ch...
I think you follow my drift.
I think you follow my drift.

I think that was the most obvious thread topic ever.
-All prophecies skills not considered "Core" (i.e. Oath Shot, Eviscerate, Life Barrier, SS, Glyph of Renewal, Serpent's Quickness, Ward Against Elements, Ineptitude,..)
-All missions/quest in Prophecies
-All weapon skins in Prophecies (like IDS, chaos axe, long sword, flamberge, sephis, old style sickle)
-No FOW armor (because you can't go to FoW, duh)
-No UW
-No possibility of Divine Aura because you dont have prophecies collectors... because you dont have prophecies
-No ability to travel with guild mates to prophecies locations
-No SF
-All prophecies skills not considered "Core" (i.e. Oath Shot, Eviscerate, Life Barrier, SS, Glyph of Renewal, Serpent's Quickness, Ward Against Elements, Ineptitude,..)
-All missions/quest in Prophecies
-All weapon skins in Prophecies (like IDS, chaos axe, long sword, flamberge, sephis, old style sickle)
-No FOW armor (because you can't go to FoW, duh)
-No UW
-No possibility of Divine Aura because you dont have prophecies collectors... because you dont have prophecies
-No ability to travel with guild mates to prophecies locations
-No SF
A greedy but honest player will tell you: GWP's L33t FoW armour and greens unless you dont want to buy them in GWF (unsure of prices spike/dip after release) asumming the stats are not replicated on much prettier skins in Faction...which in this case i would be very dissapointed.
A more sensible and proper mannered player will say: skills and all the pretty and nice scenaries in the PvE content....*oh look! a pair of chirping songbirds. awww how cute* :P
A more sensible and proper mannered player will say: skills and all the pretty and nice scenaries in the PvE content....*oh look! a pair of chirping songbirds. awww how cute* :P
Wait, you can't get to the Fissure or Underworld from Cantha? That seems really weird. Aren't Balthazar and Grenth gods of the world, not just of one continent?
Will there be new favor-required places in Cantha, then? With Heroes' Ascent being on the Battle Isles, one would think the favor mechanic would not be tied to just one chapter.
Will there be new favor-required places in Cantha, then? With Heroes' Ascent being on the Battle Isles, one would think the favor mechanic would not be tied to just one chapter.
Originally Posted by NatalieD
Wait, you can't get to the Fissure or Underworld from Cantha? That seems really weird. Aren't Balthazar and Grenth gods of the world, not just of one continent?
Will there be new favor-required places in Cantha, then? With Heroes' Ascent being on the Battle Isles, one would think the favor mechanic would not be tied to just one chapter. |
Corwin Feist
Originally Posted by NatalieD
Wait, you can't get to the Fissure or Underworld from Cantha? That seems really weird. Aren't Balthazar and Grenth gods of the world, not just of one continent?
Will there be new favor-required places in Cantha, then? With Heroes' Ascent being on the Battle Isles, one would think the favor mechanic would not be tied to just one chapter. |
Makes sense from a company point of view. It would be another incentive to get a copy of GWP for those who have bought Factions.
Originally Posted by Cassie McKnight
Factions has all this new stuff, you can chose from 2 more classes ect. What does Prophesies(Chapter1) have that factions does'nt?
Do you have to be in a guild to play any of the new missions? |
Caelus The Fallen
Originally Posted by clarity
If you're speaking in terms of Factions alone, then the obvious: you don't get the original professions (warrior, ranger, etc), and you don't get TWO MORE professions, but simply 2 and only 2.
Cassie McKnight
So Prophecies = 6 Core
Factions = 6 Core + 2(Factions only)
Will people with only one game be able to compete in arenas, if they have access to less skills?
Factions = 6 Core + 2(Factions only)
Will people with only one game be able to compete in arenas, if they have access to less skills?
Kais Unduli
Like it's been stated already, you'll be missing out on an entire games worth of items, skills, areas, and equipment. There are some skills that will be replicated from Prophecies into Factions, but not enough to make me want to stick with just Factions.
Hella Good
Looking at the Core skills and the Factions skills, all I can say is "meh." Faction players get elites than can't match anyhow to stuff like Eviscerate and Spites (just to name a few). Factions elites are... about 50-60% cool new skills, rest is obviously lotsa filling.

Originally Posted by Cassie McKnight
Will people with only one game be able to compete in arenas, if they have access to less skills?
Several of the Prophecies-only skills are well known, frequently used, and part of builds which work extremely well. SS, MM, Evis-axe, IWAY, 55 with SoJ etc.
People with Prophecies and Factions linked get the best of both worlds. They have access to all the skills, and can modify their builds with much greater freedom.