Hey, I wanted to know how I could reduce my lag. Im doing everything I can like using the lowest graphics I can and no sound... Sux but it beats NetErr=7. I need to know if the 'Window' resolution can reduce som lag.
Thx in advance.
Window Screen.
Blade Rez
I think it increases it actually
lowering the window resolution reduces quality and makes your program run faster
If you mean running GW in 'Windowed' mode then don't unless you have an above average PC! That cause's your PC to draw both the game and your desktop at the same time! Which slows down your game
If you mean the different resolutions, then hell yes they have a big impact on your performance. Try running at 1024x768 for a good compromise, if it runs fine their then try 1152x864 as the next step. Just work your way through them until you find one that runs and plays smoothly for your system!
If you mean the different resolutions, then hell yes they have a big impact on your performance. Try running at 1024x768 for a good compromise, if it runs fine their then try 1152x864 as the next step. Just work your way through them until you find one that runs and plays smoothly for your system!
Blade Rez
Originally Posted by Azagoth
If you mean running GW in 'Windowed' mode then don't unless you have an above average PC! That cause's your PC to draw both the game and your desktop at the same time! Which slows down your game
If you mean the different resolutions, then hell yes they have a big impact on your performance. Try running at 1024x768 for a good compromise, if it runs fine their then try 1152x864 as the next step. Just work your way through them until you find one that runs and plays smoothly for your system! |
Also, what is your computer specs
actually, running games in windowed mode often provides a higher frame rate than in full screen mode...
Originally Posted by Ghozer
actually, running games in windowed mode often provides a higher frame rate than in full screen mode...
you mentioned neterr=7. are you getting network lag or low frame rate? you can run gw with "gw.exe -perf" to see the frame rate in the game. if you have a low frame try running at lower resolutions as others have suggested. you can also lower the graphics quality using the slider in the options (f11). you can also disable waiting for vertical refresh. this will improve your frame rate (but it's there for people with high frame rates to eliminate tearing).
if it's network lag then i don't have as much advice, but make sure you're not downloading stuff in the background.. like close bittorrent and kazaa and the like.
if it's network lag then i don't have as much advice, but make sure you're not downloading stuff in the background.. like close bittorrent and kazaa and the like.
Originally Posted by Blade Rez
That's what i thought heheh
Also, what is your computer specs |
Originally Posted by Lateralus
All i know is that is has 512MB ram and a Nvida Geoforce4.