Made them recently today and yesterday, I quite like a few of them, some I'm not best pleased with.
Posts, comments, criticism?
Recent Sigs - (L)n 'em =]
Ulivious The Reaper
i like the flow/colours of the bottom most one with auron, it brings out his true style of kill everything
Stalker Haras
IMO these style's are way overused. You see them on 3/4th's of the forums that allow Signatures.
What 'style' would that be then?
The undead Mesmer
they look nice no critics or whatever
Mister Muhkuh
i only see this Ooops!-thing....
no pics (
no pics (
Fixed. Plus I added my new 1 of Tara Reid.
Originally Posted by Josh
What 'style' would that be then?
Your typical "look at me, I've got photoshop filters" style. They're not bad, but still, they're just like most all other signatures out there, lots and lots of filters and abstract background images behind your usual character cutout. There's creativity out there yet to be found, keeping in mind filters = bad.
And way too many blends of random tech and "uber" fonts. Filters are ok when used sparingly to accentuate something or alter it a bit, but filter/blend bombs are getting old...
Originally Posted by PieXags
Your typical "look at me, I've got photoshop filters" style. They're not bad, but still, they're just like most all other signatures out there, lots and lots of filters and abstract background images behind your usual character cutout. There's creativity out there yet to be found, keeping in mind filters = bad.
The only time I used Filters was on Rikku's cloudy background...
Yes I know, I need to make some more non-monotone (flat) sigs and keep at it trying for some sigs that don't just always fill the sig, need to keep some empty space, and I have 1 like that going right now, but I'm out all today and half of tommorrow so I'll get it done later tommorrow night.
Yes I know, I need to make some more non-monotone (flat) sigs and keep at it trying for some sigs that don't just always fill the sig, need to keep some empty space, and I have 1 like that going right now, but I'm out all today and half of tommorrow so I'll get it done later tommorrow night.