About 10 minutes ago, I was booted from the game during a TA match due to lag. I froze up and about 2 minutes into the lag, I was kicked to the login screen with a message saying that my connection was lost. When I tried to log in again, I got an error that said something like "Unable to connect to any login servers. This is most likely caused by an Internet routing problem." I just thought my Comcast had a hiccup, but I could connect to the Internet and my IMs, although my outlook express had an error with the incoming mail. I also can not connect to any of the NC soft account management or support websites, but the official GW website is working.
So, I was wondering if this was a scheduled downtime or something. If not, I have no clue what is causing me to not connect to GW or the support sites, but have access to the Internet without any problems.
Can anyone else log in? 12:40AM EST 4/12
Metal Faust
I got same problem i got on but i get booted
Metal Faust
What kind of error message does it give you when you try to log in again?
I get an error 045 i think.
Metal Faust
I'm getting 058. I just hope I'm not the only one, lol.
ok i can log in now just cant go to any char's in beetletun
I'm getting the "Cannot log into servers...." error (Error=005, I think). The official GW site works well but PlayNC Support is its usual craptastic self and loads sporadically. It's really annoying because although I can load into the character screen, I cannot load into ANY maps at all thus making me unable to play.