I wish to start up a group, to make a Guild Wars 'drama'...
WHAT!!? you say?? let me explain how it will work...
Im hoping to get togther a group of 15-20 people, male and female, to make, write, and film a series of programs based in the Guild Wars world, I need actors, Writers and people with ideas...
I dont know if any of you have ever seen 'Red vs Blue' (the halo one) - thats where i got this idea from... it will all be based on characters in-game, it will be filmed, edited, and released, depending on the team, I hope we can get out one episode, per month..
If your interested, want to help, or just want to idle around and be told when we release the first one... join #GuildWarsUntold on irc.QuakeNet.org - and we'll get things roling...
Guild Wars, The Untold Tales