Currently, the Combat Dummies in the Isle of the Nameless training area have Armor Levels from west to east of 60, 80, 100, and 60.
This allows you to simulate strikes against standard caster armor (60), warrior armor vs non-physical (80), and warrior armor vs physical or ranger armor vs elemental (100).
There is currently no way to simulate strikes against standard assassin armor or ranger armor vs non-elemental (70).
I think that to enable easier solo testing, the Combat Dummy AL values should be changed to 60, 70, 80, and 100.
That way, you don't have to set up an unrated GvG and take up a minimum of 5 other peoples' time just so you can whack on a Ranger or Assassin in a controlled environment. You might try testing against level 20 rangers in pve or random arenas, but testing like that is not very effective and you can't control their use of armor-enhancing stances or enchantments.
Does anyone disagree with changing the combat dummy AL values?
Combat Dummies should be 60, 70, 80, 100 instead of 60, 80, 100, 60
I was looking at them the other day and I noticed that 70 AL wasn't represented. I was wondering why...
I was looking at them the other day and I noticed that 70 AL wasn't represented. I was wondering why...
Mandy Memory
I would suggest adding a 70...and then perhaps a variable one with a npc to change it. Sometimes I wanna check how much damage I would take on my pve tank where I have 160+ armor.
Seef II
Agreed, though another way to test 70 armor is to find a 60+10 set if you're short on a ranger.
Wretchman Drake
I dont even know why im bothering...
i dont want to make it look like a big deal but it would be nice
i dont want to make it look like a big deal but it would be nice
Tuoba Hturt Eht