Did you ever dream Guild Wars?
I dreamt there was a collectors Crimson Carapace shield with the same stats as Victo's Bulwark. @_@
Brad had a dream that he went for a beer with Last of Master. :<
I've had several. Usually after a marathon session.
Canadian Bacon
I dream Guild Wars all the time!!!
Well, not all the time. Only when I play it before bed (which is often).
Well, not all the time. Only when I play it before bed (which is often).
Silent Kitty
I dreamt that I was dancing while Glint tried to kill me. But because I was dancing, he couldn't hit me. All my team mates were begging me to rez them, but I was to busy dancing
I wonder if you rage-quit than, you would get the quest
I wonder if you rage-quit than, you would get the quest
i dreamt everything that ive been gaming alot... guild wars, c&c renegade, half life 2... its kinda fun
I Dreamt that i changed mine Religion ( Or what it calls lol ) To American ( Im in Europian ) and i coult change back lol
that's a strange dream, evading while dancing 0.0
Skill: dance
energy: 0 recharge: 0 s
while using dance, you got 100% chance dodging attacks, inlcuding hexes & spells
Skill: dance
energy: 0 recharge: 0 s
while using dance, you got 100% chance dodging attacks, inlcuding hexes & spells
I Dreamt I Was Famous Warrior!!!!!!
I've had a few nightmares about Guild Wars O.o I kid you not!
I had a dream I had a threesome with Vanquisher and JR.... Oh wait, no that wasn't a dream, nevermind.
Sir Coversman was casting Jaundiced Gaze on me constantly as I ran away from him. He looked like a huge Skeletal Monk. This was after the FPE weekend.
well, I've just been day-dreaming!
I was dreaming about what it would be like If I could take a bag off my character and drop it into storage.. a bag for each storage slot in the storage box... mmmm....400 slots..
then I woke up and posted about it xD
I was dreaming about what it would be like If I could take a bag off my character and drop it into storage.. a bag for each storage slot in the storage box... mmmm....400 slots..
then I woke up and posted about it xD
Nope. I'm pretty hooked but not enough for GW to spill over into my dreams.
Originally Posted by Sekkira
I had a dream I had a threesome with Vanquisher and JR.... Oh wait, no that wasn't a dream, nevermind.
i dreamed i was a monk wearing electic blue tats o.O
i was looking in the mirror in my dream and i was like w-t-f. u know the kind of dream that u know that u're dreaming.
i was looking in the mirror in my dream and i was like w-t-f. u know the kind of dream that u know that u're dreaming.
I dreamt I was in a dark room, with Ectos hanging off the ceiling. No matter how high I jumped, I couldn't grab them. Self-analysis: I think it means I farm too much.
I was daydreaming in math once about THK... and there were Mursaat Horn Bows everywhere... and then my math teacher assigned us problems 15-28... and you know what my first thought was? Yeah. Max damage!!
(i'm not kidding.)
(i'm not kidding.)
Cronos Khan
I dreamed of black dye fall out of the sky....then I woke up
Aqua Nox
weirdly... as much as i play guild wars, i have yet to have a dream about it.
D Fault
My friend's girlfriend started worrying about him after he started saying 3..2..1..spike! in his sleep.
I dreamed I had 8 copies of Mending on my Bar.
I was invincible.
I was invincible.
You mean you all stop playing to sleep???
Yes I dream about GW all the time, even when I'm working I daydream about it. Not good, no concentration or anything, I'm only focused when playing!!
Yes I dream about GW all the time, even when I'm working I daydream about it. Not good, no concentration or anything, I'm only focused when playing!!
Misc Merik
No, My dreams have better things to do than dream about gw pve. So I dream about GvG instead :P
I dreamed once about a Minotaur chasing me. It wasn't the Minotaur from GW but from God of War. Alot scarier
And, I dropped 250 ectos and my friend picked them up, he didn't gave them back to me.
And, I dropped 250 ectos and my friend picked them up, he didn't gave them back to me.
Griff Mon
Dang- you guys play way too much. I've never dreamt about GW-- however, when I am daydreaming--long drives, waiting for flights, or trying to fall asleep or just waking up, I think about stategies for the game, or what I need to do.
Manda Panda
A couple Saturdays ago my guild had an all day GvG day. I was the flag runner in about 6 matches or so. That night I kept seeing "Enemy captured flag stand" popping up in my dreams, and I would wake up in a panic thinking, "OMG, gotta get the flag!"
I really shouldn't play video games right before bed.
I really shouldn't play video games right before bed.
I think I saw a dream where I had aimbot on my warrior, so I was immune to blind/block/evade/etc.
Now that was weird stuff, had just played CS&GW(I don't even use aimbot in CS, that's the funny thing).
Now that was weird stuff, had just played CS&GW(I don't even use aimbot in CS, that's the funny thing).
i have yet to dream about GW...surprizingly.
my dreams are generally occupied by other, more important things.
my dreams are generally occupied by other, more important things.
Masochistic Maniac
The only time I ever had a GW dream was after trying (and failing) 40+ times to beat TH K with my warrior. All I was dreaming about was strategy on skills, but it seemed to go on for forever. Geesh, I'm glad that's all over with.
I've dreamt of many games:
Guild Wars
Diablo 2
Half Life 2
Max Payne 2
World of Warcraft (<-- weird because I've never even played it! o_o)
Guild Wars
Diablo 2
Half Life 2
Max Payne 2
World of Warcraft (<-- weird because I've never even played it! o_o)
Ranger Rog
I had an IDS drop in game quite early on when they were still sought after, I put it in storage and went to be after a late session. Wife asked me the next day what an icy dragon sword was, apparently I got out of bed in my sleep and was looking for it in my bedside cabinet
Wretchman Drake
I've dreamt once I was my Necro with my black armor and owned everyone lol
....If you have a dream about guild wars, I think you need to rethink your playing habits.
Once dreamed I didn't have enough energy to cast anything. Kept getting really hacked off that I couldn't cast. :P
Rayne Nightfyre
I have...I remember waking up screaming "No!!! Prot Spirit fell off!!!" (Kidding, of course )
I dream about GW sometimes... mainly sexeh necro dancing...
Angel Develin
I only dream of my real life -_-
last week i invited my friends to my house. later they went to bed but i stayed playing guildwars. and my friend started talkin about guildwars wen he was sleeping, he was saying: "Damn newb, stop beggin" seriously he scared the hell out of me