Inventory space
Hey guys, i was just wandering. how much gold can you actually hold in your inventory, other games i have played had a maximum amount. i was just wandering if there was some kind of bank or something? i got a friends account and he has alot of money but i dont know how much you can hold on one character and i have no clue if there is somewhere you can store it. thanks for all your help.
One million in storage and 100 plat per char.
Levi Garett
1mil in storage, 100k on each char.
So, what if you sale an item that is over 100k, can they like send it to your storage or how does that work? sorry im new i dont have a clue
You should request they pay 100k + a number of high priced items (usually ectos).
i guess i will eventually get all this as i progress through the game lol