Define Perfect Weapon plz


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005

I forget. Really. I don't know.


Ok, I'm seeing people put up auctions for perfect wepons and yet the req are like 13 or something. Sure all the other stats are perfect, but with high reqs how can you call it perfect?

Perfect means without flaw. 13 reqs seems like a flaw to me.

What do you guys think?

Mandy Memory

Mandy Memory

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005


Xen of Sigils [XoO]


Perfect would be max damage and max mods (Doesnt even matter what mods...some are better, but the others would still be "perfect")

The requirement doesnt matter...because it doesnt effect anything...(Unless your build is not maxed out)



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Join Date: Apr 2006



Originally Posted by funbun
What do you guys think?
welll IMO i define 13 as not perfect......

People are posting its perfect so someone will buy it (knowing) its not really perfect and hopeing to make a few K.

Me i just use the collectors after spending 50+k on UNids and forget about trying to buy a perfect (req 8 or less) sword or axe skin weapon.... blah.... i gave up on looking for a 15^50 long sword req 8 or 7


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005

I forget. Really. I don't know.


Originally Posted by chessyang
welll IMO i define 13 as not perfect......

People are posting its perfect so someone will buy it (knowing) its not really perfect and hopeing to make a few K.

Me i just use the collectors after spending 50+k on UNids and forget about trying to buy a perfect (req 8 or less) sword or axe skin weapon.... blah.... i gave up on looking for a 15^50 long sword req 8 or 7
I hear ya. Collectors weapons are the most under-rated weapons in the game. I like using collector weapons with mods.

Burakus Lightwing

Burakus Lightwing

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005


As long as it's dmg. stats are max and mods are max then it is perfect. The Req. has nothing to do with the damage. That is effected by the amount you have in your attribute.
Weapon A
15-22 req. 8
damage 15%^50
life stealing 3
health regen -1
health +30

Weapon B
15-22 req.13
damage 15%^50
life stealing 3
health regen -1
health +30
Both are perfect weapons and will do the same damage.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005

I forget. Really. I don't know.


Originally Posted by Burakus Lightwing
As long as it's dmg. stats are max and mods are max then it is perfect. The Req. has nothing to do with the damage. That is effected by the amount you have in your attribute.
15-22 req. 8
damage 15%^50
life stealing 3
health regen -1
health +30

15-22 req.13
damage 15%^50
life stealing 3
health regen -1
health +30
Both are perfect weapons and will do the same damage.
Let me ask this: of the two hypothetical weapons you which will be worth more? The 8 req weapon will be worth 100k, the 8 req will only be worth maybe 10-20k? Is that about acurate? I mean low req weapons sell far more than high req weapons. So I always figured since reqs play such a role in price difference that it would be considered in what makes a weapon perfect.

Aren't Green weapons considered perfect? Are there any 13 req green weapons? Are there any greens that req higher than 8?


Desert Nomad

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Doomlore Shrine

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Originally Posted by funbun
Let me ask this: of the two hypothetical weapons you which will be worth more? The 8 req weapon will be worth 100k, the 8 req will only be worth maybe 10-20k? Is that about acurate? I mean low req weapons sell far more than high req weapons. So I always figured since reqs play such a role in price difference that it would be considered in what makes a weapon perfect.

Aren't Green weapons considered perfect? Are there any 13 req green weapons? Are there any greens that req higher than 8?
Might want to fix that sentence. Also, the only greens I've seen have been req 9, I've never seen lower, or higher, although I could be wrong.

I wouldn't consider a req 13 perfect, but since it's the damage and mods that the people are talking about, sure, it's perfect in every aspect other than the req.

Burakus Lightwing

Burakus Lightwing

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Oct 2005


Being "perfect" -max stats. Has nothing to do with the price except that some people truly believe that a low req. will do more damage, It doesn't, or they are running farming builds and don't need 16 attributes in a weapon line.
What is your idea of perfect? It seems to be the req. 8 to you. Why?
If you take my two example weapons and have your attribute in sword set to 16 they will do the exact same amount of damage. I would think that a "perfect" weapon is one that has maximum stats in all catagories.
Both weapons are 15-22
both weapons are 15%^50
both are 3/-1
both +30 health.
and at 16 attribute both are hitting for max dmg/max critical. - perfect
Now if you have weapon A and 12 attribute points in sword and weapon B at 12 attribute in swors then A is doing more damage because it is reaching the weapon requirement while weeapon B is not.
In that case, you have a reason why people will pay more for low req. weapons. They may be using them in builds(farming) where they are not maxing out to a 16 in a weapon attribute.



Desert Nomad

Join Date: Dec 2005



perfect =
max damage req7
+15% damage (unconditional)
accompianed with 2 max mods

perfect doesnt just refer to the damage / mods but the whole weapon in particular including the skin and requirement... (perfect skin is to the liking of the owner who believes it is perfect)

for example:
would you rather have a req 7 crystalline sword or a req 13 crystalline sword?
I guarentee you ever one who actually plays guild wars and can read will take the req 7 crystalline. Thus a weapon is more desirable. More desirable means more perfect which would thus make the one that is less perfect not perfect.


Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Nov 2005

Saved By My Pinchers of Peril


Originally Posted by funbun
Sure all the other stats are perfect, but with high reqs how can you call it perfect?
Depends. If it's a great holy rod, you're probably maxing your healing prayers anyway.

Sure, a req 7 15>50 crystalline is much more "perfect," but I challenge you to find an abundance of them. A perfect weapon is only as perfect as you (and the seller) see it.

Wretchman Drake

Wretchman Drake

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Originally Posted by Burakus Lightwing
Being "perfect" -max stats. Has nothing to do with the price except that some people truly believe that a low req. will do more damage, It doesn't, or they are running farming builds and don't need 16 attributes in a weapon line.
What is your idea of perfect? It seems to be the req. 8 to you. Why?
If you take my two example weapons and have your attribute in sword set to 16 they will do the exact same amount of damage. I would think that a "perfect" weapon is one that has maximum stats in all catagories.
Both weapons are 15-22
both weapons are 15%^50
both are 3/-1
both +30 health.
and at 16 attribute both are hitting for max dmg/max critical. - perfect
Now if you have weapon A and 12 attribute points in sword and weapon B at 12 attribute in swors then A is doing more damage because it is reaching the weapon requirement while weeapon B is not.
In that case, you have a reason why people will pay more for low req. weapons. They may be using them in builds(farming) where they are not maxing out to a 16 in a weapon attribute.
Yes, this is all correct. As he said, no matter what your attribute points are at, it will do the same damage no matter what the requirements are.

I also don't understand why fools spend 30k extra for weapons that are about the same as collector's, but I guess if you got the money what else would you spend in a game like this?



Not far from Elite

Join Date: Apr 2006



Originally Posted by funbun
Let me ask this: of the two hypothetical weapons you which will be worth more?
as in worth Gold? the req 8.... i won't pay 100k for it but it be nice to have a req 8 so your build would have less in sword. or something like that.

Originally Posted by funbun
Aren't Green weapons considered perfect?
i don't recall the all the stats on the green but because you can't mod them only cust them no one really wants them (no all... so clam down and don't flame)

Originally Posted by funbun
Are there any 13 req green weapons? Are there any greens that req higher than 8?
don't think so. i think there all 8 or 9?

Originally Posted by funbun
I hear ya. Collectors weapons are the most under-rated weapons in the game. I like using collector weapons with mods.
Sweet! glad you agree -)

Originally Posted by Wretchman Drake
I also don't understand why fools spend 30k extra for weapons that are about the same as collector's,
bragging rights..... my friend wants to find a req 7 long sword 15^50 .... and i tell him that the one at droknar is cheapter w/ a differant skin and when u cust it, it will do more damage... oh well.... saying my long sword is 10/10 req7 20% ench means you can kill 1 second faster....

B Ephekt

B Ephekt

Wilds Pathfinder

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Team Crystalline [TC]


All greens are req 9.

For caster weapons I don't mind high req because your main attribute line should always be at 15 or 16 anyway. For swords, axes and bows the low reqs are appealing but anything under req 10 should be just fine. That said, I'm not willing to pay 100k+ for any weapons, but I do like greens because they're often cheaper than their gold counterparts. (and yes, people DO want greens, I don't know why you would say otherwise. lol. Greens have just become so common that prices have dropped.)


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005

I forget. Really. I don't know.


Originally Posted by chessyang
(no all... so clam down and don't flame)
I wasn't flameing I was just asking a question. not making a statement.


Desert Nomad

Join Date: Feb 2006

Doomlore Shrine

Just Us Gamers [JUGs]


Originally Posted by chessyang
i don't recall the all the stats on the green but because you can't mod them only cust them no one really wants them (no all... so clam down and don't flame)
Greens are perfect. I myself use green bows on my ranger, as I can't get ahold of a decent non-green that isn't way overpriced. It's easier to buy greens as they're fairly cheap and have perfect mods on them, whereas a gold bow with the same skin and the same mods would cost more, in most cases. Greens are desired by people, you just don't notice it alot because it's so easy to buy them that they don't have to spam for 3 hours straight.




Join Date: Oct 2005


InYurFace Gaming [IYF]


All greens for example are perfect, many non-greens can have the same exact mods which makes them perfect.

Low requirement is great and all, but say your an Axe warrior a req.13 axe won't affect you in anyway.

Mandy Memory

Mandy Memory

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Mar 2005


Xen of Sigils [XoO]


Originally Posted by tuna-fish_sushi
perfect =
max damage req7
+15% damage (unconditional)
accompianed with 2 max mods

perfect doesnt just refer to the damage / mods but the whole weapon in particular including the skin and requirement... (perfect skin is to the liking of the owner who believes it is perfect)

for example:
would you rather have a req 7 crystalline sword or a req 13 crystalline sword?
I guarentee you ever one who actually plays guild wars and can read will take the req 7 crystalline. Thus a weapon is more desirable. More desirable means more perfect which would thus make the one that is less perfect not perfect.
The requirement does not make it more desirable to me...So I guess that makes it imperfect than? Same with the crystalline part.

I guess the only perfect weapons are X PvP Y of Z.

Oh...and not all greens are perfect.



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

London, UK

Rite Of Passage [RP]


Well if you ever want to experiment with different builds that don't require "OMG! 16 sword FTW!" then you'll probably want the optimum damage/attribute value from your weapon. That optimum is 12.
In which case, 13 requirement isn't that good.

Scary Raebbit

Scary Raebbit

Krytan Explorer

Join Date: Sep 2005

One green that isn't perfect that comes to mind is Ivor's Smiting Rod with only +3 Energy while enchanted.



Purveyor of Useless Info

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Perpetual Motion Squad [PMS]


One green that isn't perfect that comes to mind is Ivor's Smiting Rod with only +3 Energy while enchanted
Vilnar's Claw +3 (hexed) imperfect imo.



Teenager with attitude

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Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

Originally Posted by Loralai
Vilnar's Claw +3 (hexed) imperfect imo.
Actually, Villnar's Claw is +5 (while hexed), which is perfect. Not that I like the hexed part. The other green one-handed caster items with +energy - Gordac's Needle, Bortak's Bone Claw, Korvald's Cane, Brimstone Wand, Ivor's Smiting Rod - have imperfect +energy mods but positive conditions for them.



Furnace Stoker

Join Date: Sep 2005

Thousend Tigers Apund Ur Head [Ttgr]


Perfect to me is 15 over 50, 20 whilst hexed, +30 health, 5 energy whilst enchanted, ie max mods on everything. The req does not matter.


Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Apr 2005

I forget. Really. I don't know.


Originally Posted by frojack
Well if you ever want to experiment with different builds that don't require "OMG! 16 sword FTW!" then you'll probably want the optimum damage/attribute value from your weapon. That optimum is 12.
In which case, 13 requirement isn't that good.
That's interesting. How did you come up with that number?



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Nov 2005

London, UK

Rite Of Passage [RP]


Originally Posted by funbun
That's interesting. How did you come up with that number?
Game Mechanics

Courtesy of Ensign...


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005



For the sake of auctions, which was part of the original question, I wouldnt consider anything that has a req over 8 to be perfect...everyone has wonderful opinions though, to each their own.

Mr D J

Mr D J

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Join Date: Jun 2005

people think sundering is perfect *cough*, well its only perfect if its used with mending and knight's armor


Jungle Guide

Join Date: Sep 2005


Originally Posted by tuna-fish_sushi
for example:
would you rather have a req 7 crystalline sword or a req 13 crystalline sword?
I guarentee you ever one who actually plays guild wars and can read will take the req 7 crystalline. Thus a weapon is more desirable. More desirable means more perfect which would thus make the one that is less perfect not perfect.
I couldn't care less. Either is getting customised and will be used to inflict the same level of damage.

Ole Man Bourbon

Ole Man Bourbon

Jungle Guide

Join Date: Jun 2005




Originally Posted by frojack
Game Mechanics

Courtesy of Ensign...
I don't see where Ensign mentions 12 as being the ideal attribute level, but I skimmed.

In PvE, attributes don't really matter too much. But in PvP, which is what all of the super expensive items are typically being bought for, it does.

With any type of damage weapon (or any damage attribute like Air or Domination Magic), you want 15-16 unless you absolutely NEED the extra pts in some other line for a specific build-related reason. It's because you absolutely must be doing the max damage to be able to spike through heals and successfully kill your enemy. When it comes to melee weapons and bows, having higher attribute levels not only increases the damage levels, but the chances for critical hits, which are key to doing big damage fast.

To put it simply, if you're going to do damage, you must do the most damage possible or stay home when in PvP. Therefore, attribute levels for weapons should be close to irrelevant unless they are being used for farming.


Krytan Explorer

Join Date: May 2005



Originally Posted by Ole Man Bourbon
I don't see where Ensign mentions 12 as being the ideal attribute level, but I skimmed.

In PvE, attributes don't really matter too much. But in PvP, which is what all of the super expensive items are typically being bought for, it does.

With any type of damage weapon (or any damage attribute like Air or Domination Magic), you want 15-16 unless you absolutely NEED the extra pts in some other line for a specific build-related reason. It's because you absolutely must be doing the max damage to be able to spike through heals and successfully kill your enemy. When it comes to melee weapons and bows, having higher attribute levels not only increases the damage levels, but the chances for critical hits, which are key to doing big damage fast.

To put it simply, if you're going to do damage, you must do the most damage possible or stay home when in PvP. Therefore, attribute levels for weapons should be close to irrelevant unless they are being used for farming.
Did you miss this part? Yet another quality vs efficiency debate.

After 12, the returns on increasing your weapon attributes diminish sharply - each additional level is worth just 40% of what the previous levels got you. More generally, for attributes over 12 use the following equation:

[Effective Damage] = [Weapon Damage] × 2((2 × [Attribute Level] - 24) / 40)

Or, in tabular form:

Effect of Attributes on Weapon Damage Attribute
Level Percent of
Weapon Damage
0 35.6%
1 38.6%
2 42.0%
3 45.9%
4 50.0%
5 54.5%
6 59.5%
7 64.8%
8 70.7%
9 77.1%
10 84.1%
11 91.7%
12 100%
13 104%
14 107%
15 111%
16 115%