Sigils usefull item or trash in factions???
Daemon Dremora
I just got a crazy idea and i have no idea if it is true or not but i figured it might be possible. does anyone remember the first time you bought a guild hall...... well if you read all of the text i do recall the canthan ambassador saying something to the effect that the sigil was a symbol of respect or loyalty to the canthan ambassador since we were from another country or something like that..... well if we live in cantha during factions then y would we have to show them that type of respect or loyalty.... well i just thought that sigils might become useless or something. well let me know what you think....
Just because you live in cantha doesn't automagically make you leet respect haxors. That's what faction is all about. I imagine it'll be the same.
Indeed it will be same
Daemon Dremora
well then would it not be wise to buy sigils now while they are cheap. ya know just incase the price goes back up with new halls???
prices didn't go up when taiwan and japan joined up, so i doubt a new chapter will make the price increase.
and sigils are a sign the gods favour your guild, so you're "worthy" of owning your own island in cantha. I don't think they'll change that
and sigils are a sign the gods favour your guild, so you're "worthy" of owning your own island in cantha. I don't think they'll change that
Automagically? <-- ??????