update file size




Join Date: Apr 2006

New Zealand

Im Targeting The Ghostly (HeRo)



My pc just died on me and now i have a new one. i only have 1gig of internet per month and i need to download the updates again. can someone plz plz tell me how big the update is so that i can start playing again if its not too big.ty



Teenager with attitude

Join Date: Jul 2005

Fifteen Over Fifty [Rare]

My gw.dat file is about 2.5 gigabytes. You're most likely going to have to download more than 1 gig.

just call me jimmy

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

just call me jimmy


yeah you probably will have to download more than 1g. Having said that, what you may want to do is call your ISP (Internet Service Provider) Check the limit because 1g seems very small, usualy they don't go lower than 2gs. If it is 1g ask the representative what the penalty for going over is. Some ISP's charge for going over, usualy 3-5$ per Gig , most have that limit in place so they have the right to disconnect serious abusers. If they do not charge you should be fine with the download, most comapanies only step in when you are going way over their limits.
One thing you could do, if you have a friend that does not mind. Instal the game on their computer and download the updates. Then copy that folder to a disk, and take it home and transfer folder to your comp.

Hope that helps, and good luck to ya



Wilds Pathfinder

Join Date: Aug 2005


i'd find a friend and burn you a copy of gw.dat




Join Date: Apr 2006

New Zealand

Im Targeting The Ghostly (HeRo)


Well i live in new zealand and yes i only have 1gig. even worse it costs me $5 dollars for every 100mb over the limit.

konohamaru heaven

konohamaru heaven

Lion's Arch Merchant

Join Date: Aug 2005

Some where in Cantha beyond the Petrified Forest and the Jade Sea

The Amazon Basin

I would reccommend finding a better ISP


Underworld Spelunker

Join Date: Feb 2005

Originally Posted by dameros
Well i live in new zealand and yes i only have 1gig. even worse it costs me $5 dollars for every 100mb over the limit.

ive gone through 5 gigs in a day with demos

i pay 29.99 for 3mb unlimited

just call me jimmy

Frost Gate Guardian

Join Date: Dec 2005

just call me jimmy


Dameros. I think your best bet then is to have friend burn the dat file for you.
I'ts quite simple to do, and then all you do is relace the dat file in the GW folder on your cmputer. Only other thing I can think of is call your ISP and ask if they have any trial offers to try one of their Higher services. (with no contracts). Allot of companies do this, becasue they are pretty sure you will stick with the higher one.

Anyways Good Luck again...HMM I JUST HAD A BRAINSTORM.

Maybe it is possible for Anet to send you a disk with the update to help you out, or maybe it's possible for the Guru staff to help.

Just an Idea to help our freind from New Zealand

Sereng Amaranth

Sereng Amaranth

Desert Nomad

Join Date: Jun 2005

The Amazon Basin [AB]

Take your computer to a friend's house and hook up to his internet.