Defend Droknar's Forge Quest Dialog error?
Since when am I a friend of the Stone Summit ?
Feng Leung
Uh..when they brain washed you, that's right. And it looks like someone did a typo.
That confused me as well... But I kinda just ignored it.
Originally Posted by NyteMyre
Since when am I a friend of the Stone Summit ? |
Sagius Truthbarron
Too much ail?
konohamaru heaven
Well it could be the fact the stone summit fear the titans as well. If you notice when you first enter tasca's demise there are no Stone Summit there so maybe there was a temporary ceasefire.
I was always a friend of the stone summits...they have pizza parties!
That's interesting finding ...never noticed that before.
btw. I was raised by Rurik & Stone Summit Herder
btw. I was raised by Rurik & Stone Summit Herder
Maybe the lich had a hex on them.
LiQuId StEeL
I saw that earlier... maybe something new on tyria?